Chapter 29: Just The Beggining

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Andy and I had fun that day but I told him it would be better if we stayed friends considering we live in different places. And now it was finally Monday. Ben and I were back at school. I haven't talked to him and he hasn't talked to me. I was sitting in the library doing some work as he sat at another table.

Towards the end he got up and was about to walk over to me. As he was about to reach me the bell rang and I walked out.

"Hey Jess!" Brittany called out down the hall to me.

I turned around "Hey, what's up?" I asked her. We walked outside and over to the field where we had gym.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out on Friday to a party? I don't really wanna go alone." She told me.

I didn't know what to say so I said the first thing that came to mind "Sure." The rest of the day basically consisted of me blanking Ben and thinking about the party I said yes to.............................................................

...............................................Finally it was Friday, I was walking home from school and stopped by the diner. I walked through the door as Emily came from the back "Hey Jess, how was you're vacation?" she asked.

"Sit down and I'll tell you." We sat down and I explained everything that happened. She was shocked at what Robby had done and she just kept listening.

Now I was tearing up a little and she handed me a napkin. I took it and wiped my eyes. Emily was hugging me now "Jess, I'm so sorry that all happened to you."

"It's okay. You weren't to know that was going to happen." She told me.

"Yea, but Emily, why does all the bad things happen to me?" The tears were slowly rolling down my face now. She handed me a glass of water so my throat wouldn't be so dry.

"Anyway, I actually came in here to ask when you wanted me to start work again." I told her. Emily walked behind the counter to get the check for one of the tables.

"Well you can start tomorrow night if you want." Emily said as she took the check to the table. Once she came back over, she smiled at me.

I had a confused face on "What?" I asked but she didn't say anything. "Emily, what are you thinking?" I asked again.

Suddenly Dan called from the kitchen. "Emily just tell her what we were discussing before." I looked through the little window that you could see him through.

"Dan you know what it is? What did you guys talk about?" I asked him.

Emily looked at me "Jessica, I'm having a baby." I was shocked but happy.

"Emily that's great!" I exclaimed.

Then she said, "John and I want you to be the godmother."

I didn't know what to say. So all I did was nod my head yes and hug her. Emily pulled away after a few minutes "Okay now that's settled, you should get going so you're not late to that party"....................................................

.................................................As I was walking to the party someone stopped their car beside me. They opened the window and called out it. "Jess is that you?" the familiar voice said to me.

I looked through the window at the person and my breath caught in my throat. It was Andy driving the car. "Andy? What are you doing here?" I asked him.

Andy smiled at me "I'm going to a party I heard about and was hoping to bump into you there." He winked at me.

"Oh well you found me." I said to him with a little chuckle.

"Hop in I'll give you a ride." He said to me. I walked around the car and got in the passenger's side. "Okay so you're going to have to tell me where to go." He chuckled a little..............................................................

..................................We had finally arrived at the party and now we were talking to Brittany and a few other people that she knew. They all seemed to like Andy when they first met him. At one point I found myself looking for Ben but soon stopped once I realized what I was doing.

"So you want a drink?" Andy asked me.

I looked at him and smiled "Sure, let's go to the kitchen." And with that we went for the drinks.

"Here" he handed me the drink first.

Once we were done and headed back to everyone I bumped into someone. "Oh I'm sorry." I looked up and there you go, non other than Ben.

He looked at me "No it's okay. I should watch where I'm going more often." And then gave me that smile of his. I groaned in my head and thought 'Damn that's exactly what he said the first time we started talking' I gave a small smile and then kept walking.

For a while Andy and I danced. I've had I guess you could say too many drinks. Andy held me close to him during a slow song and whispered in my ear "Let's go upstairs for a little." And then he started to pull me towards the stairs. The next minute we had found an empty spare guest bedroom.........................................................

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