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Love. It's just a simple word. There may be many definitions to it but not one that can sum up it all. People fall in love, but then hit an edge. Think about it almost like if a car fell off of a bridge. What happens next? Where does it go? Does it drown in darkness or does it make it's way up again to happiness?

~~~~~~~8 months later~~~~~~~
"So, this is it?" I ask my mom suddenly placing my hand on the doorknob. My heart was still beating fast from the feeling of actually being on London University's campus. "I guess so sweetie. It says the right dorm number. E10." I nod agreeing with her answer. I twist the knob open revealing a nice room with two beds, an open wide kitchen, a few dressers, a tiny living spot, and a bathroom. "Wow." Is all I could manage to breathe out. "Nice for a dorm room yeh?" My Mother's voice echoes through the room. I nod silently still amazed at the view my brown eyes were attached to. The bathroom doorknob begins to startle as I slowly take a few steps back almost knocking my Mother down flat on her face. "You must be Hazel." The blue headed girl welcomed. She smiled brightly running a hand through her long straight hair. "Yup that's me and this is my mom." I shyly say. "Here let me take your bags." She reaches over carrying them to my bed setting them down on the white comforter. Well she seems nice. I can deal with her.

"Thanks, you didn't have to do that." I speak up glancing at her green eyes. "No, it's totally fine. But anyway, I am Bella. You can call me Belle if you'd like. Everyone does." She gestures reaching her hand out for me to shake. "I'm Hazel as you already know." I shake her hand gently, pulling away after a second or two. Belle turns around to my Mother spreading her hand out as how she did to me."I'm Hazel's mom, Crystal but just call me Ms.Noel." "It's nice to meet you." Belle smiles releasing her hand. "You too sweetheart." "Were you getting ready to leave?" I ask sliding my hands into my jean pockets. "Yeah, I was. Just to run and get some pizza." Belle replies swiping hair out of her face. I open my mouth to say something but my moms phone ringer had cut me off and soon to be I hear her walk away with tiny steps to another room. "Well, I won't keep you." I finally say. "Did you want to head out with me?" She asks politely raising an eyebrow. "Um...no I'm okay. I have to unpack and stuff still to so...you know." "Yeah, you're right. Well get settled. I'll be back in a few. Tell your mum I said it was nice meeting her." "Will do." She steps out of the wooden door and silence fills the room all over again.

A click clack noise reaches the room I was standing in and I turned around to reveal my mom. "You seem in a rush." I say breaking the silence. "Yeah, I am Hazel. I have to get back home." My heart flutters a bit from the word 'home'.
I already miss it. I miss America in general. But I guess I have to get used to this stuff. I mean this is the school I wanted to go to. One of the best schools in the world. I sigh not saying a word. "You alright lovey?" "I'm fine. I'm just gonna miss you...and home." "Listen, you're strong and confident enough to be here. To be here without me. I raised you to be that way. You can do it and you know it. You just have to stop doubting yourself." A smile creeps up on my face from the words just said. "Thanks mom." "You're so welcome. But I have to go now." As soon as I knew it, my arms were carefully draped around my mothers body. "I'm gonna miss you so much Hazel." Tears built slowly up into my eyes letting a few escape down my cheek. "I love you mom." I dispart from my moms embrace and walk over to the door. "I love you too sweetheart but promise me one thing. Don't come back with a British accent." She jokes. I laugh a bit but then catch myself and go back into what's really about to happen."Mom, thank you. You know for being there for me. For always having my back." "You don't have to thank me. That's what Mother's are supposed to do." She takes a step out of the door leaving me inside. "Bye Hazel." I wave off to her while feeling my heart melt inside. Maybe this will go well. Maybe this will turn out okay.

I shut the door, leading myself over to my bed. Taking everything out and stuffing them into drawers, something came across my mind. Josh. Did he ever think about me? Does he remember what we had? It's almost been a year since our dispart so I don't know why I am asking these questions. I mean he never loved me so why would he still think about me? I don't know..it just kills me thinking about him but I cannot seem to get him off of my mind. I just feel like something happened to him. I just want to forget about him but I can't. It's like my brain won't let me. I miss what we had. All of those times where we would order pizza and have movie nights. When we would travel through the city and I'd stick my head out of the window. The way he would kiss me and give me tiny hugs, and cuddles. Tears develop into my eyes once again but I quickly wipe them away. A quiet click sound instantly beamed through the room seeing Bella walk in.

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