T h r e e

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    I walk down the cemented streets of London hoping that Belle wouldn't come to look for me. Honestly, I don't even want to be here right now. And I mean, in this world. All I want is to get over Josh but something is just pushing me back. It doesn't feel right at aIl. I walk into a Coffee Shop hearing a bell go off knowing that someone has entered the place, and sit patiently at a small table held for two. "How come you're sitting all alone love?" I hear a voice mumble. I look up to see a guy with blue eyes and blonde hair. But his roots were black. "I mean there isn't anyone with me." I say popping a small smile back to him. "Can I sit with you? You know if that's okay?" He asks through his thick Irish accent. "Um sure. I actually can use the company right now." As I settle my last few words, a lady walks over to my table and greets me with a warming smile. "Hi, how can I help you guys?" She says slipping out her notepad and pen. "I'll get a small ice vanilla latte." She turns her head to the boy and he just shakes his head. "Nothing for me. Just her." Once she trembles back into another room, I sit there quietly not making a sound. It was kind of awkward because I didn't even know this dude.

"So, what's your name love?" He speaks up earning me to pick my head up. "I'm Hazel." I answer back. "Beautiful name. I'm Niall." He smiles gently making his blue eyes pop out. He reaches his hand out for me to shake and I collide mine with his, and pull away a few seconds later. "I'm really surprised you aren't screaming in my face." He jokes. I look over at him in a confused way. "You don't know who I am, do you?" He asks, his voice filled with curiosity. I shake my head no putting my hands underneath my legs to warm them up. "I'm in a band called One Direction.." "Oh yeah, I've heard of them." I murmur.

    "Niall! Come on we have to go!" I hear a male British accent shout from a farther distance. "I apologize but I have to go. It was really nice chatting with ya." Niall says as he rushes to stand up. "Yeah, it was nice to meet you too." "Bye love!" He screams rushing out of the glass door. I smile softly to myself and take a few sips from my latte. Soon enough, I begin to hear another bell go off watching two young girls walk in. I didn't really get a good picture of their faces but they were tiled up in coats. Well, I don't blame them, it's freezing outside. Standing up from my seat, I handle my coffee in my left hand and slowly walk towards the door but get stopped when someone says my name. Turning around, Belle is standing there. "Oh hi." I smile gently and look down waiting for her answer. "Hi. I was looking all over for you. What happened back there at the room?" I shake my head no. "It was nothing. It's best if you just forget about it." Walking out the door, I leave her speechless. I had nothing to say. All I needed was to just leave everything alone and to just find a way for it all to disappear.

I slide my hands carefully into my coat pockets, warming my body up. 'Just forget about him. Hun, he isn't worth it. You know it too. You just aren't trying.' Feeling something tiny and light fall on to my head, I look up to see snow. I turn my direction, immediately hitting body's with someone else grabbing onto their arms so I don't land face flat on my face. "Thank you sir, I should really watch-" I begin to speak. "Hazel." I knew I recognized that voice one hundred percent. "Hi." I mumble quietly. I noticed my hands were still locked on his arms and his hands were on my waist. I quickly pull away leaving my hands alone this time and he removes his hands off of my body. We stand in silence for a few minutes without a word said. "I should go." I walk away from him but his strong grip caught me. "Please, just for a second." He begs. "No. I'm just here to tell you that if you break Belle's heart, the only thing that will be snapped in half is you." Turning away, I begin to walk faster and faster. I can't let him get to me. Belle seems so happy with him, and I just cannot ruin it. Belle's my friend now, so I guess I just have to suck it up..

Walking down the hall to my dorm, I pass certain numbers, not remembering the one that was exactly mine. I knock on a random door but there was no answer. I knock again but no answer. Instead of knocking again, I push open the door. "Oh my god! What the hell?!" The blond girl screams. I guess sex in college is normal. I shut the door and continue to walk remembering that my dorm number was listed on my key. Taking out my key, I finally find my room. My head tips slightly to the side seeing Belle sitting peacefully on her bed. "How did you get here before me?" I ask in shock. "I know shortcuts." She smiles. "Listen I really want to talk to you about what happened." I sigh gently in frustration throwing my head back. I don't want to tell her. I just can't. I don't know what her reaction is going to be. She could get all angry and mad, and then I'd probably have to move into another dorm room. "Tell me everything. I beg you." I shake my head no trying to find a different topic to talk about.

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