F o u r

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      I never understood the world. I mean, I never will ever understand it. There's so many adventures we all take and sometimes it just takes another road. We end up becoming bruised and hurt, and we fall apart without anyone. I also will never understand love. Love just reminds me of a crazy rollercoaster people tend to take. Love can be all different things, and I'm sure none of us has ever seen all of the sides to it.

Love isn't just how you feel about the person, it's what you have in your heart..

    "You have been getting a ton of letters. Who are they from?" Belle asks through a small yawn. "Oh, they're just from my mom." I lie throwing the paper back into the envelope. I don't know what to do. These letters keep continuing to grow and I just don't know what to do. I want to ignore them but it might just get worse. Sighing in frustration, I make my way over to my bedside checking my Calendar that was hanging on the wall. Marking days off with a sharpie, I slowly process in my head if I had anything going on that was super important this week. Looking around for my black coat, I spot it lying down on the table chair. Grabbing it, I search through my pockets trying to find Niall's number that he'd wrote down on a piece of paper for me. Digging it out in happiness, I type the number into my phone and press call. It was only 5:00 PM, he should be awake. As I let it ring a few times, I could feel Belle's eyes closing in on me.

"Hello?" Once Niall answers I quickly and firmly clear my throat. "Um hey Niall. It's Hazel." I speak into the phone.

"Oh hi. It's nice to hear from ya." I smile gently chuckling almost forgetting to tell him what I needed to. "Yeah...I am pretty busy this week since it is my first week of college, but I am free on Saturday if that works for you." I say as my cheeks began to turn a rose pink.

"Yeah that's great! Um...meet me at the same Coffee place on Sheridan street at 9:00? Coffee date?" He asks. "Of course, see you then love." I chirp as I hang up the phone. I was really getting into this British thing, where people called each-other "love" or "babe". I mean, it's nice since it's basically just a friendly gesture to use.

    Turning my body around the other way, Belle is sitting down on her bed with her mouth half way open. I stare with a confused look as she still decided not to close her mouth. "You know, I prefer when you talk with your mouth, not when you leave them open for flies to come in.." I joke. "Who was that boy you were on the phone with?!" She instantly screams in my face. Wow, I really just forgot to tell her. "Well it was that boy, Niall that I met at the coffee shop." I explain. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I chomp on a chip, as she looks like she didn't get enough information. "What's his last name?" She asks through breaths. I really did not understand why she was freaking out. "That I cannot tell you because I just don't know but he did tell me that he was in a band called 'One Direction', which I have heard about before but never really listened to." I finally finish my sentence and her mouth goes wide open again. "You're going on a date with Niall fucking Horan Hazel!!!" Jumping slightly, her loud mouth causes me to fall backwards off the bed. I stay there on the clean carpet for a while, trying to trick her into thinking that I wasn't alright.

"Hazel...are you alright?" She repeats through small whispers as she kneels down next to me. "Ow...my arm hurts." I whimper. "Oh, man I apologize that I freaked out. It's just that Niall Horan-" I cut her off my laughing loudly or more should I say obnoxiously. "Why are you laughing? Did I say something?" She mumbles. I continue laughing as she looks at me crazy. "My arm is fine dude." Covering my mouth with my hand, she slaps my arm returning herself to her bed. "Not funny. I actually thought that you were hurt." She sighs continuing to do what she was doing. "I apologize. It was just a joke." I chuckle. "I know, I know. It's fine." She smiles lightly letting me figure out that everything was defiantly okay.

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