N i n e

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        Heart pounding. Chest beating. Eyes closed. Hair is a mess. Adrenaline in my veins. Red cheeks. I don't even know what to think .


  The next few days everything goes pretty well. I haven't seen Niall or the other guys in a few days but hopefully I will see them soon.

   I have been extremely happy with Niall and I still haven't announced the news to Belle about Niall and I being together. I just hope Josh won't mess this up..if he really truly loved me..he would be happy for me and leave me alone. But we both know how that might turn out ..

  Sighing deeply in annoyance, I can't seem to understand what I am supposed to be writing my essay on. Getting up, I walk into the kitchen area grabbing an apple from the bowl on the table or "Island" as the British say it.

Biting into the apple, a few knocks on the door  surprise me in shock.

"Who is it?!" I yell.

"Come and see!" I recognize the perfect , smooth Irish accent and a smile soon appears on my face and chills follow through my whole entire body. Running to the door, I feel my heart quickly speed up..why am I so nervous? Oh yeah right because this guy at the door is Niall James fucking Horan as Belle would say. Chuckling to myself, I grasp the doorknob with my cold hand, and twist it open seeing the fella I haven't seen in which feels like years when it has only been a few days.

Before we even say a word to each other, he pulls me in for a hug which makes the butterflies in my stomach become more anxious and scared.

" I've missed you Hazel.." He breathes against my neck.

" I've missed you too Niall. " I shutter slightly from the cold and release myself from his grip.

Looking down to his hands, he slowly connects them with mine squeezing a tiny bit.

What love is this?

I look up to meet Niall's sea blue eyes as we stare in silence at each other. Placing my left hand on his cheek, I grab his hair a tad bit pulling his head down and onto my plump lips.

My heart speeds up so fast, I thought I could pass out again. Soon enough our lips begin to move in perfect sync. I pull away with heavy breathing wanting more. But calming myself down he grabs my waist pulling me closer into him.

This moment. Niall and I. What else could I possibly want? Nothing.

" I am so happy I met you.. " I whisper. Who knew this would happen? I am so glad it did. We stand in silence for a few good minutes until the door sways open breaking us apart.

" Did I just miss something? " Belle speaks.

Shaking my head, I clear my throat. Do I tell her now? I mean..I didn't even talk to Niall about it. So, shouldn't I talk to Niall first? Niall turns his head to look at me once again and I can't help but not smile.

" Aw you guys are dating? " The small girl squeals.

I grin..wanting to tell her very badly but Niall beats me to the words I wanted to say.

" ...we are..she's my girl now.. " Niall chirps with a small laugh behind his words. Looking at Belle, she's in complete shock.

" I have to go but you and me have to talk when we get back Hazel! " She jokes slamming the door on her way out. Goodness, she's already my best friend and I have only known her for at least a month.

" Is she okay? " Niall laughs aloud throwing his head back.

" Uhm...Yeah I think so. " I shrug it off and take a few steps over to my bed and plop myself down on the comforter.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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