F i v e

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"Hazel can you hear me?" The same words repeat over and over again. "Is she gonna be okay doctor?" "Ma'am, everything will be okay. I promise."

Fluttering my eyes open, I sit up as quickly as possible. "Mom?" I earn a few looks from people I didn't know and get embraced into a hug by my mom. Breathing heavy, I hug my mother back closing my eyes. "I'm so glad you are alright.." She whispers. Huffing, I just smile to myself. Out of nowhere, I instantly remembered that I was with Niall. But where is he? Looking around, I only saw doctors and nurses with masks over their faces.

Pulling away from my mother, I sway a piece of hair out of my face. "Where's Niall?" I ask hoping someone would know. The doctors looked at each other confused and I glanced at my mom. "Who's Niall?" She speaks with an eyebrow raised. Where could he be?, I thought. Looking down at myself, I was still in the same clothes that I left with on from when I left my dorm this morning.

"Hazel is free to go. All of the papers are filled out already, and all you have to do Hazel is take one of these small pills whenever you get dizzy or lightheaded. The lightheaded and dizziness will only go around for about two weeks." A doctor explains to me while I nod my head. Swooping my legs over the hospital bed, I hop down and begin to walk to the door. "You alright sweetie?" My mom says from behind. Turning to her, I smile and nod as she hands me the bottle of pills. Opening the door, I walk down and into the lobby seeing Belle and Niall sitting on a chair. Running over to them, I hug the both of them in a tight hug if as I had just seen them from a 3 week vacation.

"Oh my god. Thank goodness you're okay!" Belle screeches standing up. "Yeah, I know. I'm not sure why I passed out like that." I answer.

"Well at least you're alright love." Niall chips in. "Yeah, there's someone I'd like you to meet." I say walking to my mother.

"Mom, this is Niall. Niall, this is my mom." I mumble. "It's nice to meet you Ms.Noel." Niall greets holding out his hand as my mom shakes it gently. "Oh please call me Karen. It's nice to meet you too...how are you doing Belle? Staying out of trouble?" My mom jokes.

"Let me think about that..." Belle says tapping her chin with a smile spread across her face.

"Niall can I speak to you over there for a second?" I ask looking over at him. "Yeah , yeah come on." He chirps grabbing my hand and leading me over to a farther distance from Belle and my mom.

"All I just wanted to say was that I apologize for this morning..I um-...I just saw someone familiar and I guess I just...you know." I explain looking down to the ground.

"It's alright..I'm just glad you are okay. That's what's important. But maybe we could ya know have another date?.." He asks unsure.

"Oh...I didn't know that was a date?.." I question. "But if you would like it to be the next time, then that would be pretty cool."

Looking up to see his gorgeous blue eyes, he smiles wide and turns his head to my mom and Belle. "Did you know that you are so beautiful?" He murmurs. Shaking my head no, I look towards the ground. "Well you are love."

"Well thank you Niall." I smile and watch my mom and Belle talk. "We should go. I don't think you wanna stay here the rest of the day." He jokes. "You're right. Come on."

"Where are you two kids going?" My mom asks stopping us in our tracks. "Lunch date?" Niall says but makes it more of a question when he's done talking. "Yeah, lunch date."

"Well have fun but not too much fun."

"Will do. It was nice meeting you Karen and Belle. See you guys soon." Niall says with pleasure.

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