S e v e n

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The sun shines brightly through the white curtain; my eyes still left closed. But I could still feel the heat downing on my tan arms and face.

Shifting my body slightly, I groan feeling a small thud in my stomach. "Hungry?" A morning, raspy voice chirps from the blue.

A sudden thump makes it's way to the bed. Rubbing my eyes, I yawn loudly covering my mouth.

"Niall, I'm really hungry." I whine lifting my head realizing it was Harry on my bed. "Oh..
hi..I'm sorry. I-"

"It's fine." He says cutting me off. "Niall had to go somewhere but I'm sure he'll be back soon. The boys and I are downstairs of you need anything love."

          "Thanks Harry. I'll uh-be down in a few."
As he exits the door, I get up and walk into the bathroom that was attached to the room.

The mirror said it all. My hair was in a sloppy bun while my eyes still had bags. You couldn't even tell that my eyes were brown. (I know; weird.) Cleaning myself up, I step out of the bathroom and throw on the clothes that Niall had left for me that were sitting on the black sofa leaning on the white wall.

           Placing my hand on the silver door knob, I twist it and lead my way down the carpet stairs.
Eyeing the boys, they're all on the couch hanging out as I notice a really pretty brunette sitting next to Louis with their hands locked tight together.

       "Oh hi Hazel." Liam greets me with a wide smile from the kitchen area. "Hungry?"

Feeling that grumble in my stomach again, I nod. "What are ya making? I can help ya know." I retort.

     "I'm making chocolate pancakes love;sound good?" He asks raising a brow.

"Yeah sounds great." I thank him and then look over to the other guys again. As I eye the girl again, things run through my mind.

         'She looks so familiar', I thought.
Shrugging it off, Louis makes eye contact with me.

"Morning Hazel, how'd ya sleep?" Louis chirps making his way over to my direction.

  "I slept good..who's uh your friend?" I ask even though I knew it was way more than that.

By that time, she was already walking over to us. She seemed about 5'9, long wavy hair, brown eyes, ..she was gorgeous. She looked model type honestly.

"Hazel meet Eleanor;Eleanor meet Hazel Niall's ..-"

"Friend." I speak cutting off Louis. Smiling deeply I could feel my cheeks running with heat. I just wondered where the hell that could have gone.

     "Nice to meet you. I'm Louis' girlfriend." She answers through a British accent. Yet she still looks familiar.

"You too." Hearing a loud bang, my head slams up to the door as Niall makes his way into the large house.

"Hi babe." Surprisingly he grabs me by my waist kissing me shortly.

"Friend?" Eleanor questions suspiciously. Sighing loudly I fake a smile.

"Don't you have classes today Hazel?" Niall assumes.

    "No, I get a few days off since I was in the hospital. But I'll be back in those large auditoriums very soon."

Liam's POV

Stirring the pancake mix, I notice Hazel's phone vibrate on the wooden table. I know it's wrong to snoop on other people but I just couldn't hold it in anymore.
      Grabbing the phone, I seek an unknown number that's send 7 messages at least.

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