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    Walking into my dorm room, I flicker on the lights quickly seeing nothing but a letter left, lying down on my bed comforter. "Wow...
this is a nice dorm room for two college girls." I hear Niall say aloud from behind me.

"Yeah...I had the exact same thoughts when I first stepped into this place too..." I wander on over to the DVD rack, waving Niall over to me. "Pick out a movie from here while I go make us some popcorn." I demand taking a stand again and rushing into the kitchen area. Opening the wooden cabinets, I reach for a large red bowl and take the packets of pop-corn, and slide it carefully in the microwave.

"Find one?" I ask, sitting down on Belle's bed laying my eyes on Niall that was now sitting on the floor searching through the load of movies.

"What about...Dear John?" He looks up to me for an answer while I nod my head, not really caring what the movie was. "Hey...um who are those letters from? You've got a lot over there..."

"Um...they're from my mom..." I lie looking away.

"You're lying." Niall moves his body up next to me and looks down on me. "Tell me. Who is it?"

Sighing loudly, I run a hand threw my hair. If I really tell him the truth, something might happen , or he'll be more protective than ever when he honestly doesn't have to be.. "It's um..It's from..my ex boyfriend...Josh. He was the one in the coffee shop...and that's why I ...you know, passed out." I stutter.

"I don't get it...why is he sending you these letters babe?" Shaking my head, I run the same hand through my hair.

"Niall, I don't know...I don't really want to talk about it either..." I whisper the last part. As he looks at me silently, I hear a 'ding' sound come from the kitchen. "I'll get it..." I should have not told him all of that. Now, I bet he's thinking about it, and then later on he might have questions, and I won't have the strength to talk about it. Running in the kitchen, I pour the popcorn into the bowl mixing it up lightly. Feeling arms come around my waist, Niall pecks my neck quickly with a kiss.

"You okay?" He says. Nodding my head yes, I find a way to move myself from his grip, and kiss him passionately on the lips earning a smile in return. "You'd tell me anything right?" He mumbles letting his facial expression turn serious.

"Yes..I would." I answer rubbing his blonde hair with my right hand giving him a smile. "Come on, let's go and watch the movie."

Grabbing the popcorn bowl, I walk with Niall to my bed spotting the same letter I saw before when I first walked in the door. Moving it out of the way, I fold it, and drop it into one of the drawers beside my bed. "What was that?" Niall asks plopping himself down on the right side.

"Nothing." I answer. I mean I didn't really know what it was. I didn't even read it..

Pressing play on the remote, I hop on the bed next to Niall, and snuggle up into his arms. It's just so weird...y'know? I've never really thought that this was going to happen to me. It just makes me laugh how life can give you the very best but the very least at the same time. Life just makes me wonder..it makes me wonder why? Why do so many of us go through so much that we don't deserve to go through? Why do so many of us have the worse experiences in life? How come so many people don't happen to get the love that they need?

"Can I tell you something Hazel?" Niall mumbles making circles gently onto my left leg. Nodding my head, I feel his chin collide onto my head lightly. "Out of everyone I know, you have to be the sweetest." He compliments as a small laugh escapes my lips. "No one's ever told me that before.." I say as I click my eye balls up to see his face. As he downs his blue eyes onto mine, he kisses my forehead, and tangles his arms around me.

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