Chapter 10

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Another explosion smashed against the ground right next to the van. A little two close this time. The van fliped at the force of the explosion and rolled for what seemed like minutes but in reality was only seconds. Everything moved in slow motion. Bodies flying through the air, furniture tossed in every direction, the screams of all the van's helpless pasengers. It happened too quick to react. In the front seats Max and Liz were thrown about but were pretty well secured by their seat belts.

When the van finally stopped it was upsidedown. For a moment everything was silent. Liz looked up to see Max unconcous in the drivers seat hanging limply from the seat belt. Isabel sat up in the rubble to see Kyle laying on the ground surrounded by furniture (luckily nothing had seemed to have hit him). Then she saw Michael doing the same thing as her sitting up and getting his barrings. Something was off but in her disorented state she couldn't tell what.

Suddenly Micheal started looking around franticly Isabel wondered what was wrong but her mind was so hazy it was hard to think clearly. Then just as quickly as he had started Michael stopped looking around, his eyes were fixed on one point, wide with what looked like fear. Isabel was about to ask what happened when she saw it. An arm, sticking out from under the couch, and it was covered in blood.

The moment of slience was over.

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