Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Life as usual

I wake up and look at the time, "ugh, I need to get to work." I sigh, it's already 7:00 A.M and I need to head to Grilbys to work. I put on a shirt that says in red letters "Grilbys Bar and Grill" and I head outside.

I love living here in Snowdin. The weather is great and I have a job at one of the most popular places in the Underground. I pass by some people and when I finally get to Grilbys I wave to Greater Dog who is already talking to Doggo and a few others. I get behind the counter and I see Sans run inside giggling about something. "Hey Sans, what will it be?" I ask wiping the counter with a washcloth.

Sans sits in a chair in front of the counter I was washing. "Hey Lanty, I'll just have some ketchup." Sans says with a grin spread on his face. I look below the counter and grab a bottle, "here you go. I think you know the cost by now." I say handing Sans the ketchup. He nods and pays. I walk around the place and ask people for their order and give them their orders for my 8 hour shift.

By the end of my shift it's about 3:30 PM. "Well, it's time for me to go and live life." I say to Grilby as I head out. "Bye Lanty." He says. I go outside and I check my phone, there is a text from Undyne.
'Hey you wanna hang out when you get off of work?' It says.
'Sure, meet me at Sans and Papyrus' house?' I ask her.
'Yeah, I'll be there soon.'

I walk over to Sans and Papyrus' house and I sit by it. As I sit there I look towards Waterfall waiting for Undyne to show up. While I wait I suddenly feel a boney hand touch my shoulder, I look over and I see Sans standing next to me, how did he get here so fast? I wonder. "Watcha doin'?" Sans asks sitting next to me.

I've gotten to know Sans pretty well my time working at Grilbys and I've realized that Sans is a huge jokester, but he has something weird about him. Something I just can't explain. He just seems to know more than we all do. "I'm waiting for Undyne. We are supposed to hang out." I tell Sans. He nods, "and you decided to wait outside my house?" He laughs. I chuckle, "well, it's somewhere we both know and I don't know. I'm weird." I say. Sans and I talk until I hear another familiar voice, "hey punks, I'm here." I turn and see Undyne walking over to us. I stand up and wave bye to Sans. Undyne then grabs my arm, "why were you taking to Sans?" She asks dragging me to her house in Waterfall. "He just appeared while I was waiting for you and he started talking to me." Undyne laughs. "You think he likes you?" I start laughing, "I doubt it. We are just friends Undyne." When we get to her house she opens the door and we both sit at her table.

"It's been a while since we've hung out." I say. "Yeah, since you moved to Snowdin I can't visit you as much, it's also hard because you work so much." Undyne says with longing in her voice. "I know." There is silence for a long while until Undyne breaks it, "I remember when you, Alphys and I would hang out every day and watch different animaes that Alphys loves." We both laugh. "Yeah, us three should talk more often." I say looking at Undyne. "I haven't hung out with Alpys in a while, but we text a lot." Undyne says looking down and avoiding my eyes.

"Well, enough living in the past. Let's do something fun!" Undyne says with a smile. "What do you have in mind?" I ask with a small chuckle. "You wanna watch a movie?" She asks standing up. "Sure, what movie?" Undyne shrugs, "you pick, you're supposed to be my guest." I walk over to a stack of movies. I pick one that looks like it has a lot of swords and fighting. "This one good?" I ask holding it up for Undyne to see. "Sure."

When the movie is done it is about 6:00. "I'm hungry." I whine looking at Undyne. She laughs, "then eat." I stand up off of her couch, "but aren't I supposed to be the guest?" Undyne stands up, "you also have work tomorrow and you should eat at your house." She says like a smart allec. "Fine. But text me, we should hang out more." I say. She nods.

I leave and I walk back to my home in Snowdin. When I get home I make myself a pizza and I decide to go to bed at 9 so that I can get up early for work.

In the morning:

I wake up and head to work. When I get there I see someone sitting at a table. I've never seen them before and no one else is sitting by them. I walk over to the counter and I see Grilby grabbing some things that are probably orders. "Hey, do you know who that is?" I ask pointing to the stranger. "I have no idea. Can you take their order though?" I nod and grab a notebook to take their order. I walk over to the table, "Hey and welcome to Grilbys. My name is Lanty, can I take your order?" I say to the stranger. They look up at me. I look at them with a smile, and they look back at me with an emotionless expression and almost black colored eyes. I notice they have powder on their hands, "do you want to wash your hands before you eat? We have a sink that I can take you to." I say. They look down at their hands and back at me and shake their heads while a grin spreads on their face. "Okay, do you need more time before you order?" I ask grabbing a nearby menu. They nod and I put down the menu. "Take your time, I'll be back in a bit." I say and I walk back to the counter. "That was really weird, they didn't say anything. They just nodded and had a look... It kinda scared me." I say to Grilby. He looks at the stranger and then back at me. "Weird." He says

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