Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Double Date

I wake up with my hair spread around my face and a boney finger moving the hair off my face. I quickly close my eyes and pretend to sleep. "So beautiful..." I hear Sans say when there is no more hair on my face. I realize that I am still laying in his arms and I try hard not to blush. "Is someone awake?" Sans asks with a slight giggle. I open my eyes, "maybe." I joke. Sans wraps his arm around me so that he is holding me in a played down hug. "How'd ya sleep?" Sans asks laying on my head. "Good, you?" I ask moving my head so it's laying on his shoulder and keeping his head laying on mine. "Amazing, because I was with you." I can't help the blush from coming to my cheeks. "Thanks." I say softly not knowing how to respond. "You don't need to thank me. But anyway, what do you wanna do today?" Sans asks changing the topic. I shrug, "I don't know, whatever you wanna do." I tell Sans getting comfortable laying on his shoulder. "You just wanna do this all day?" Sans asks talking about laying together all day. I shrug, "sounds good to me. I don't have to do anything." I chuckle. Sans' fingers play in my hair and his other hand holding mine.

We lay on my couch just laying with each other in silence for a long while and then I hear a knock at my door. "Ugh, I'll get it." I say getting off of Sans and my couch. I open the door and I see Papyrus standing there. "My brother never came home last night! Do you where he is?!?" He asks sounding worried. "He spent the night here, he's on my couch right now" I say opening the door more so that he could see Sans. "Sans! Why didn't you tell me you were having a sleepover?!?" Papyrus yells. "Sorry Pap. I just kinda fell asleep." Sans says getting off the couch. "It's okay brother! Just try to tell me next time!" Papyrus responds. Sans nods, "will do. I'm probably gonna hang here all day though, I'll text you if I'm staying the night or not." Sans says looking at me and then back at his brother. "Okay! See you later Sans!" Papyrus says walking away. I close the door and walk back over to Sans.

"That was an interruption that I didn't really want." Sans says plopping onto the couch again. I plop next to him and he pulls me closer so that I'm laying on his shoulder again. "Wanna do anything else today?" I ask Sans getting comfortable where I am. "Anything as long as I'm with you." Sans responds hugging me closer. I know I'm blushing and I don't hide it. "You wanna go on a double date with some of my friends?" I ask thinking back to Undyne and Alphys' new relationship. "Sure thing. Who are these friends if I can ask?" I chuckle a little, "don't worry, you'll see soon. And if you do stay all day you'll probably figure it our when I call them." I say grabbing my phone off of the couch. "You gonna text them right now?" I laugh, "that would be way too easy. I'm replying to Alphys." I look at a text that Alphys sent me last night that says 'Hey Lanty. Undyne and me saw your note. And thanks. You are my best friend now that Undyne is my girlfriend, but anyway. Love you too. Come to the lab anytime.' I smile a lot and hit reply. 'Hey Alphys, that's super nice and you are my best friend too with Undyne. Love you too and I'll try to visit you more.' And send it. I look back at Sans who is smiling, "you guys have a cute friendship." He says with a little giggle. "Thanks I guess? Her and Undyne are cuter though." I say remembering the way they looked laying together yesterday morning. "Are we as cute as them? Like a couple I mean." Sans says causing me to blush even more. "So we are a couple?" I ask trying to hide the nervousness in my voice and replace it with sarcasm. "Oh, don't pretend you don't love it." Sans jokes, but with a little truth. I laugh and try to hide my blush, "well you are the one who confessed your feelings for me last night." I say trying to make him blush too. "Well, you're the one laying on my shoulder right now." Sans says with a laugh. I lean on his shoulder more and hug him close. "Well, you're not stopping me." I say giggling. Sans cuddles back at me, "well your not stopping me either." Sans says. "We need to go on our double date." I say getting off the couch. Sans looks shocked that I left him on the couch and I go back to my room and change for a casual date. When I walk out Sans is in his normal clothes and my Grilbys shirt is sitting on the edge of my couch.

"Well you must've been pretty fast." I say picking up the shirt. "Well, you know me, always appearing places." Sans jokes, but it is true that he seems to always be where he wants to be and it doesn't take him any time. "Well, you ready?" I ask Sans with him not knowing that I already called Undyne and told her and Alphys to meet us. Sans nods, "where are we going?" He asks. I grab his boney hand, "just follow me and you'll see." I say as we head out the door.

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