Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Missing You

I smile brightly and pull Sans along into Grilbys. I look around excitedly and take Sans to his usual seat. Sans sits and I go behind the counter and begin to wipe it down. I feel a burning hand sizzle on my shoulder. I turn to see Grilby standing there with a box of ketchup bottles in his hand. He hands it to me and I put it under the counter. When I finish I look up to see Sans grinning widely. "I saw the ketchup." He tells me. I smile softly, "cool story." I say sarcastically. "Can I have one please Ms. Waitress?" He asks with a large grin across his face. "I've got a skeleTON of them, I'll get you one." I say with a giggle. Sans laughs, "that was hilarious." Sans whispers to himself. I put the bottle of ketchup in front of him and he takes a large gulp of it. "Well, I gotta go take some orders. See you in a bit." I say to Sans as I walk out from behind the counter and to tables to take orders.

When I finish I go back behind the counter to deliver the orders. I give orders to customers and have them pay. I then go back to Sans who is grinning at his regular seat. I decide that Sans doesn't have to pay for his things, I don't wanna steel his money for my pocket. I lean on the counter in front of Sans. "How are you?" He asks softly. I shrug, "I'm good. You?" I return the question. "I'm good, I just have a bad feeling... A feeling that someone is going to have a bad time. Never mind. Its probably nothing." Sans says darkly at first, but changing back to his normal, cheery voice. I shrug, "okay. Want anything else?" I ask placing a menu in front of Sans. He slides it back to me, "things I want aren't on that menu." He says quietly. I lean over the counter and kiss Sans on his forehead and then get back to taking orders quickly. I take some orders and go back behind the counter to find Sans with his face looking shocked. "What?" I ask referring to his expression. "I wasn't expecting that. At all." Sans responds sounding astounded. "I'm full of surprises." I say with a laugh. The rest of the night goes pretty normal until its time to lock up.

Sans stayed the entire night with me. We both start to walk back home when Sans stops in his tracks. "What's wrong?" I ask. Sans' eyes widen as he looks at me then he pulls me to him for a hug. "Think of your house." He tells me sternly. I do so while closing my eyes. When I open them I am in my house and I almost instantly see Sans disappear. I wonder what happened and why he did that. I decide to shake it off and I go to my room to go to sleep.

I wake up the next day with a small note next to me on my bed. I pick up the note and read it 'Hey Lanty, sorry I had to go so fast. Something just felt wrong around us and I had to make sure you were safe. I promise I'll see you at Grilbys later. I have to take care of something. I love you Lanty. And to make it up to you, I'll hang out with you all day tomorrow. Sorry about this. See ya. -Sans' I guess he is busy, but that's okay. I decide to have a lazy day until I have to go to work. I just lay on my couch and watch TV until around 3 and then I go to work.

When I get there I start my work day as usual, except, Sans didn't show up yet. He's probably just still busy with whatever he's doing. I continue my day as usual with taking orders and delivering them. I had been at work for about 3 hours and Sans still wasn't here. I decide to brush it off and continue my day as usual. I take orders and deliver them to the many tables still staring at Sans' seat. I go behind the counter when business slows down and decide to call Sans.

Then I hear a noise of the phone picking up, but no actual answer. "Hey, Sans, what's up?" I ask trying not to sound worried. No response. "Hello? Sans?" I ask more frantic than before. Still no answer. I stay on the line trying to talk to Sans with no answer until I hear a squeaky voice on the other end. "Howdy, I'm Flowey. Who is this?" He says joyfully. I sigh, "You probably don't know me. Um, do you know where Sans is?" I ask worriedly. "Golly, I'm not sure. Can I call this number back in a jiffy?" He asks. I sigh, "yeah, but try to call back soon." I tell the stranger. "Okie Dokie." He says with a giggle. Then the phone hangs up. I am now alone in Grilbys, when I would normally be alone with Sans, but to see him nowhere.

I wait by my phone for what seems like centuries until I finally hear it ring. I answer it quickly, "hey. Did you find him?" I ask quickly. I hear Flowey cough on the other end, "yeah. He wants to talk to you." He says in his high pitched voice. "Okay. Put him on please." I say calming down a bit. I hear noise on the other end "Hey Lanty." Sans says sounding hurt. "Hey, what happened?" I ask worried at what may have happened. "Nothing. I'm fine. Sorry for not showing up. I'll tell you about it later. But, are you okay?" Sans asks softly. I sigh in relief. "Yeah, I'm fine. Am I going to see you later on?" I ask. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. I swear. Sleep tight Lanty." Sans says sweetly. "Sleep tight. I'll see you tomorrow." Sans tells me tons of other sweet things and then we hang up right as my shift ends. I lock up Grilbys and walk back home. When I get home I instantly go into my bed and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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