Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Explanations

Sans and I go back to his room after we release from our embrace. Sans and I lay on the mattress in his room with Annoying Dog jumping around our feet like the puppy it is. Sans and I don't speak, we just sit close to one another holding onto each others hands, lost in thought. I try not to think of all the sad things Sans explained to me in the lab, instead I just watch the small dog jump around, so free and graceful. I see Sans turn his head so he looks at me, "I really appreciate what you said. And you caring so much for me." Sans says. I can see tears forming in his eyes, but he blinks them away. "You don't have to thank me." I say. Sans smiles softly, "well, I'm going to thank you anyway, because people don't usually get close to me, or take time to care about me. Papyrus and you are all I have." Sans says quietly. "Don't worry, Papyrus won't leave, I know he won't. And I'll always stay here, never leaving you. I promise." I respond. "I'm glad. You both mean so much to me." Sans says as he squeezes my hand tightly. "You mean a lot to me too." I say with a light smile.

Sans smiles back in return. "Wanna do something less depressing?" Sans chuckles. "Sure. I'm good with whatever." I respond. Sans nods, "I have an idea." Sans says. He leads me out of his house and down to a very dark room near Waterfall with bright glowing flowers planted everywhere. He then leads me down a path that is dark and without flowers. Then he turns a corner and I see small cat like creatures with loud, strange music playing. Sans waves at one of the creatures "hOI! Im Temmie! Dis is my fren Temmie!" It shouts at Sans. He nods looking startled and continues to walk. He walks to a crack in the wall with me following and I see another 'Temmie' on the other side. Sans whispers something I can't hear to it and it nods handing Sans two small boxes. Sans looks back at me and hands me one. "They're called Tem Flakes. They're good, trust me. Wanna go somewhere a little more peaceful though?" Sans asks with a smile planted on his face. I nod, "these things are insane." I add with a smile. Sans takes my hand and leads me to a very quiet part of Waterfall.

We open our boxes of Tem Flakes and eat them slowly. "That place is called Tem Village. Its a crazy place that Temmie or Tems live at." Sans explains. I nod, "but what are the Tems?" I ask taking another handful of Tem Flakes and eating them. "I'm not sure. They're really weird." Sans says with a laugh. We sit and eat our Tem Flakes for a while until we decide to go back because I have to work at Grilbys.

I get dressed into my Grilbys shirt and go back into the living room where Sans is standing. "Always sneaking up on me." I say with a smile. "What else would I do?" Sans chuckles. I hold Sans' hand as we walk to Grilbys. We walk inside to see all of the costumers that are usually there and a few passed out on the tables as usual. I walk Sans to his seat and then walk behind the counter to start wiping it down. "See ya later." Grilby says as he walks out from behind the counter and walks out with his shift being over. I look around the restaurant and see that everyone is happy and I don't need to take orders right now, so I turn to Sans. "About your machine, why do you need multiple people to go back?" I ask thinking of his lab he showed me earlier. "I'm not trying to take multiple people back. I'm trying to take multiple people to this timeline. I'm trying to bring back my dad, before he vanished." Sans explains. I nod, "but... That wouldn't be fair to you in that timeline. Everyone else in that timeline. You would be taking someone that isn't yours to take." I say trying to keep my mind from my past. "But he is. He is my dad, I just want him to see Papyrus and I. I want him to see you, and how great you are for me. It wouldn't be forever." Sans explains. "I still don't think that's fair to the other timeline. They would be without him. I think that might make you even more paranoid that he would leave you again in that timeline. I mean, what if someone was taken from you and you had no idea where they went? Then they just show up again? You would think they would leave you again, it wouldn't be fair. They would miss them so much and try to live their lives without them and then they would just appear again thinking everything is okay. Even though its not okay. Because you lived your life for so long without them and missed them so much, that you don't even know if you want them back because they left you so long ago." I say not even to Sans anymore. I hold back tears and lean on the counter in front of Sans.

"Lanty, what's wrong?" Sans asks worriedly. I can't help it anymore. The tears burst from my eyes. "My mother. She left me and my sister when we were young. My father had died a few years before and she was still shaken from it. So she left. We were little and I had to take care of my sister and I for a long time. Until, she just showed up. My mother just came back 10 years later. I had misses her so much, but I didn't even want to see her because she put us through so much. I loved her, and missed her so much, but when she came back in my life, I had leaned how to not have her in my life. I just... Don't think you should bring your father back. I think you should see him and talk to him, but don't take him from that timeline. It will do more bad than good." I say looking strait at Sans. He nods, "okay. I won't. I'll just take you guys to see him. And I'm sorry about your mother." Sans says softly.

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