Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: More Than Friends?

I smile at Sans. "Hey Sans." I say in response. Sans grins, "so, how long are you gonna be here in this 'night shift'?" He asks. "Until midnight." I whisper in a dramatic voice. "So you have to close up too?" He asks, I nod. "I'll stay until then, don't worry. I know you'd be lonely with all the late night freaks here." I laugh. "Then will you be a late night freak?" Sans laughs, "no way, I'm gonna be helping out a friend with the late night freaks." I chuckle, "my hero" I say sarcastically, "you need to order though, I'm still working y'know." I say. "I'll have my usual miss waitress." Sans says with a small grin. "Okay Mr. Customer." I reach under the counter and grab a bottle of ketchup and put it in front of Sans. "Thanks." Sans says with a small smile. "No problem. I gotta take more orders. See ya in a bit." I take orders from monsters I've seen around different areas, Hotland, Waterfall and some people from around Snowdin. I give them their orders and business slows down after 6.

Only Sans a a few others are there and Grilbys is the quietist I've ever heard since I've worked here. Sans and I talk when I take orders and wait for customers to need me. Midnight came around quicker than I thought. "Hey, look at the time." Sans says looking at the clock behind the counter. I look up at it and I see that it is midnight. There is also no one else in the restaurant except Sans and me. I grab all of the glasses and plates off of all the counters and tables and take them to the washing machine in the back and I see Sans walk in with some glasses in his hands. I smile, "thanks. Are there anymore?" I ask taking the glasses from his hands and putting them in the sink. "That's the last of them." Sans says. I nod, "well, let's go." I say grabbing the keys off of a hanger in the back. Sans and I walk out and I lock the doors behind me. "It's late, you want me to walk ya home?" Sans asks while I put the keys in my pocket. "Uh, sure. If you wouldn't mind." I say shrugging my shoulders. Sans nods and we start to head to my house.

"Thanks for hanging with me today." I say while we walk. "No problem, it was fun." Sans says with a small chuckle. It was dark, but the moon shone with the stars almost through my ectoplasmatic legs and arms. "That's pretty cool." Sans says pointing to what the moon was doing to my arms. "Ha, thanks. I guess that's one of the perks of being a ghost." I say with a small smile. "Yeah," Sans says softly. I turn and see the "Libraby" sign and I see my house next to it. "Well, this is it." I say stopping in front of my house. "Thanks for walking me home." I say with a soft smile. "It's on the way to mine anyway." Sans says with a laugh. "Oh yeah, well goodnight buddy." I say walking over to my house. "Night." I get to the door and I turn to wave to Sans, but he's already gone. Weird.

I wake up in the morning a d head to work. On my way I get a call from a contact labeled 'Undyne ' and I answer. "Hey, what's up?" I say into my phone. "Tomorrow is a weekend. Let's hang out." I hear Undyne say sternly. "Uh, sure. Are you inviting Alphys too?" I ask wondering about their little romance. "She invited both of us to spend the night at the lab." Undyne says, I can almost see her blushing. "Okay, I don't know if I'm gonna stay the whole night, but tell her I'll be there." I say getting close to Grilbys. "Hey, I gotta go, I'm almost at work." I say. "I understand. See ya tonight at the lab." Then she hangs up. I put away my phone and I walk into Grilbys.

I walk behind the counter and pull out the key that I used to lock up last night. "Here you go." I say handing the key to Grilby. He grabs the key and puts it in his pocket, "how was the night shift?" He asks raising one of his flaming eyebrows. I shrug, "fine. Quieter than it is during my normal shift." Grilby smiles, "glad it wasn't too bad. I was thinking of making that your permanent shift... Your thoughts?" I think back to last night and how much me and Sans got to talk to one another, and how much easier it was to get orders from everyone. It was also a great opportunity to hang with my friends during the day. I nod, "that would be great." I say trying to hide my smile. "Well, you wanna start your new shift of 4 to midnight on Monday? After the weekend." I nod, "sure." Grilby smiles and walks back into the kitchen. I grab my pad of paper and take orders from people around the place. When I get back to give Grilby the orders to cook them I see Sans sitting in his chair at the counter. "Hey, how ya doin'?" Sans asks when I get near him. I poke my head into the kitchen and yell the orders to Grilby. Then I come out and turn to Sans. "Hey, and I'm good." I say grabbing a bottle of ketchup. There are only three left. I probably will have to run to the store to get more soon. "You know me well." Sans says as I place the ketchup in front of him.

The day goes normal and when my day is done I pack a little bag of essentials and head over to Alphys' lab for our girls night.

When I get there the lab door is open already and Undyne and Alphys are sitting on the same little couch as yesterday. I walk inside and put down my bag. "Hey girls." I say walking over to them. Undyne looks at me with a huge smile on her face. "Me and Alphys and officially dating!" She yells at me jumping up holding Alphys' hands.

I tricked you guys with the title of the chapter huh? It was that Alphys and Undyne are more than friends, not Lanty and Sans. Sorry if you were hoping for that, but who says that won't happen? Anyway, hope you enjoyed and bye!

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