Maid Of Dragneel~ Chapter 5

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The day she left Virgo knocked on my door. I was still recovering from shock and I don't recall I let her in. Virgo had tears streaming down her face and her eyes held so much sadness.

She chuckled softly after a few minutes in silence. "Loke's gonna kill you Master." She warned. I probably deserve that. I let go the only happiness Virgo, Loke, and Aries ever had.

"Why Master?" Virgo kept her eyes glued to the ground as she said this. "It's because of Sting." Natsu sighed.

Virgo looked up confused. "What do you mean Master?" Natsu told her how he was angry at Lucy for talking to Sting.

"I feel like...he was gonna ask her out and she was going to say...yes." Natsu said pausing at times. "Stupid reason; I know."

"Master, Lucy was talking to him because she wanted him and Yukino to be a couple." Virgo explained. "She didn't tell you why she was talking to Sting?!"

Natsu chuckled darkly. "Virgo get Bisca and Alsack and tell them to gather all Lucy's friends and question them. Then get Evergreen, Laxus, Bickslow, and Freed to look for her. I'm coming with Laxus's group." Natsu ordered Virgo. "We have a Lucy to catch..."


"You called us Prince Natsu?" Evergreen bowed. Natsu nodded. "I assume Virgo told you your mission?" Natsu asked. They nodded.

Just as they were leaving Loke and Aries blocked the door. "You told her to leave?" Aries shyly asked. Natsu stared at her, shadows casting over his face.

"Your going to get her back?" Loke asked clenching his fists in anger. He couldn't believe Natsu sent Lucy away.

"I don't have time for questions, now MOVE!" Natsu said anger and regret dripping from his voice.

I will get you back Lucy, and when I better be prepared.

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