Maid Of Dragneel~ Chapter 20

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So, I'm gonna make it straight lines now, to make the chapters longer!

Here we are, at Sabertooth castle. Lucy insisted we come here and set things straight with Sting.

Lucy knocked on the steel door. A white haired girl opened up the door. Isn't that Stings maid? Yukin? Yokino?

Oh, right. Yukino.

"Greeting Lucy-san and King Natsu." She bowed. "Hi Yuki-san!" Lucy greeted while I just waved.

"Do come in. Master Sting will be here in a moment." She informed.

I was confused. "How do you know we want to see Sting?" Lucy asked. She giggled.

"If so, who else are you gonna see?" She smiled. "Good point." I said nodding.

Lucy sat on the couch that has pillows that say 'Sting'.

I sat on the couch that has pillows saying 'Rouge'.

Soon Sting came in and sat next to Lucy. I growled at this but kept my cool.

"Sup Lucy. Natsu." He smiled. "Hello Sting." Lucy said. "Sting." I crossed my arms.

He better not do anything.

"Where's Rouge?" I asked. "Ugh, thanks for asking." Sting said sarcastically.

"He and his maid, Kagura, are on a honeymoon." He pouted.

"It seems everyone is falling for there maids now." I smiled. He nodded.

"So, have you and Yuki-san tied the knot yet?" Lucy laughed.

Yukino, who was at Stings side, blushed and kept her head down.

I raised my eyebrow. "Yeah. Me and Yukino are in love~" He laughed.

"If you are in love, why do you keep flirting with Lucy hmmmm?" I questioned.

Is he a flirt or what?

Yukino's face scrunched up in anger. "W-What?"

She remained calm, but you can see that she's angry.

Sting widened his eyes. "N-No! That was uh..." Sting said nervously.

Yukino nodded and sighed in relief.

He didn't he say anything to make her be in relief.

Suddenly, there was a flash of black and purple light.

Zeref appeared in a gray cloak and jeans with a black t-shirt.

"Hey Stingy-bee." Zeref smirked.

"Z-Zeref..." Sting started shaking.

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