Maid Of Dragneel~ Chapter 23 //////Last Chapter

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Last chapter...

I shook as I climbed off the bathroom floor.

Natsu can't find out, cause if he does...

I shook my head, shaking all the negative thoughts from it. Natsu wouldn't leave after everything we've been threw.

I'll tell him tonight! Then, we can be a big happy family.

I smiled as I wiped the throw up from my mouth with a wash cloth.

"Are you okay Lucy?" Natsu said again, sounding much more worried.

"Yes! I'm fine. I'm going out with my friends! See ya!" I bolted from the bathroom.

I slammed the door and called my friends.

"Mira, Erza, Levy, Juvia, Cana, Evergreen! Meet me at the Fairy Cafe!" I texted them.

They replied saying there on their way. I smiled.

I walked in and sat at a table.

My friends gathered around me.

"What's the big news Lucy!" Mira asked, her eyes sparkling.

"I'm pregnant." I squealed.

They all hugged me.

"That's great! I want to be the godmother." Levy cheered.

I smiled nervously.

"Sorry, I told Mira if I ever got pregnant, she would be the godmother." I apologized.

Mira beamed. "That's right! I remember." Mira said.

All the girls sent glares Mira's way, but she ignored them.

"Are you gonna tell Natsu?" Erza asked putting a piece of cake in her mouth.

"Tonight." I confirmed.

They smiled. "I wanted to pick out a new dress, I thought you guys might want to come." I grinned.

The girls nodded eagerly and we rushed out of the cafe.

"Lucy! This one!" Juvia giggled.

She pushed a pink sparkly dress my way. I took it and got dressed.

"This one!" I told them. They nodded and got a matching pair of shoes.

We went to the cashier and payed.

"Thanks girls!" I told them as we were parting ways.

"Have fun!" Evergreen yelled.

"If he breaks your heart, tell me!" Cana shouted.

I laughed and nodded.

It was dawn and I put in my outfit, did my hair, and put some make-up on.

I skipped downstairs to Natsu.

"Hey Lucy." Natsu greeted me.

"Natsu." I grinned.

"Why are you dressed up?" He asked.

"Natsu...I have something to tell you." I smiled.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant!" I grinned.

Natsu's confused face turned into a horrified one.

"Get out." He said lowly.

"W-What?" I asked tears forming in my eyes.

"I don't want a child. Now get out." Natsu rolled his eyes.

Tears were pouring out of my eyes as I collected my stuff.

I ran outside and got one last glimpse of Natsu's sad and guiltily face, before running towards Levy's house.

The End

Sorry, it's such a sad ending.

Tell me if you want a sequel!

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