Reasons To Share the Love

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Ten years is a long time,

For a foster child,

But not,

Long enough,

To get close enough,

That sharing her,

With them,

Is comfortable,

Or easy.


Since her families views,

Are so much different,

Than ours,

So when they show up,

I fear the worst,

But as time lengthens,

And the suns rays disappear,

Behind an array,

Of stealthily moving clouds,

I find,

That all is well,

Around the table,

And away from it.

Even though our families,

Should not get along,

They all seem to enjoy,

The company,

And she sits in my arms,

And she kisses me,


And all conversation,

Still rages on,

Loud and clear,

Despite how prominent,

We might seem,

And I couldn't think of a better way,

To end the day,

Than her in my arms,

And her lips against my own,

As the cold,

Whips her hair,

And that is one of the many times,

Throughout the days,

That I find,

A new reason,

To love her.

A Poet's Love Story: A Poet's CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now