The Truth of Her Being

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Her heart does not hold back,

From what she wants,

But she is different,

Because what she wants,

Is the crackling of a fire,

And warm arms wrapped around her,

And someone with love,

And somehow,

Deep inside me,

She pulled it out,

And I gave it to her,

And I hope she sees me,

When I show it,

Because she is all I have.

She is all I know.

She makes me happier,

When she stands next to me.

She makes me calmer,

When she stands next to me.

She makes me smarter,

When she stands next to me.


She makes me a better person,

And that's what I think love is.

She is the definition of love.

She is love.

A Poet's Love Story: A Poet's CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now