dirt racing

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  I was patiently waiting for the gang to come and watch Steve race, but to take the time up, I was standing behind the bleachers to have a quick smoke.
  Dirt racing may not have been a big deal to some people, but for some people like me, greasers; it was like a ritual. It's a big, giant part of our lives- we wouldn't be who we are without it.
  In the case of Steve racing, it was even better.
  This time around, the Greasers and the Socs were trying to figure out who regained the championship- Steve Randle or Tim Sheperd?
  Steve was real good with racing, and was careful and smart with it, too. People think he is an idiot, but he's real smart and knows a lot about cars. That's why I like him.
  "Hey, pretty lady," someone shouted behind me, dragging the words along.
  I took one last drag on my cancer stick before I began walking back to the front of the bleachers, but was stopped when someone grabbed my arm.
  The guy turned me around to reveal it was some Soc who was totally hammered. He was wearing a green madras shirt with some baggy jeans and nice sneakers.
  He forcefully turned me around, and as least gently as possible, grasped my side tightly. I tried to fight him off, but I struggled. I hadn't brought my blade with me, I didn't think I needed to.
  My chest felt heavy, and it was hard for me to breathe. I had never been jumped. Darry gave me my blade because of what happened to poor little Johnny. I didn't have the energy to fight him of anymore, so I stopped and gave up.
  "'Atta girl. Just tryin'a have a little fun, that's all, doll," his breath reeked of alcohol, and his behavior showed he was obviously drunk.
  He grabbed my wrists and began to pull off my warm leather jacket, leaving me in only Steve's DX shirt, which was unbuttoned two down.
  "Why," he hiccuped, "is a girl like you wearin' a lousy white ol' Greaser's shirt?"
  I flinched. 'There's no difference, prick!' I thought to myself, I just couldn't get the guts out to say it to him. I glared at him with a fiery anger and spat in his face.
  He wiped his face off. 'Did he really think I was one of them?' I thought to myself again. Only could I stand there in cold fear with the thoughts bubbling up in my mind, disappearing into the air from my ears.
  The guy slowly walked towards me, an evil grin on his face. He looked down at my chest, and began unbuttoning my shirt, but I couldn't move. I was standin' there, frozen.
  'Move! You can't just stand there! Do something!' But my brain couldn't function correctly. I wanted to scream bloody murder, but I just couldn't open my mouth.
  The shirt I was once wearing was now off, laying next to my leather jacket on the cold, hard concrete. My bra and pants were the only things I was wearing.
  "Now there's what I was lookin' for," he said.
  I didn't realize how cold I was until the hot tears began streaming down my face.
  "Aw, don't cry. No need to be-" he pushed me to the ground. "scared, baby." I lay there, trembling. My eyes were closed because of my fear- but it only made matters worse because I couldn't see what was happening.
  I heard the sound of what seemed to be a switchblade being flicked open.
  "Excuse me, pal," I heard a familiar voice say.
  "Your kind doesn't belong here-"
  "Well, 'your kind' doesn't deserve to be sayin' that. We belong here, too. I don't think y'all should be gettin' away with doing things such as jumpin' my sister."
  Now I knew who it was.
  I heard the sound of someone falling, and shortly after, someone ran into the opposite direction.
   A warm hand touches my arm gently, but I made a small noise in the back of my throat to signal fear.
  "No, no, hey. Hey, it's okay JP, it's jus' me," the familiar voice spoke.
  I opened my eyes to see my brother, Sodapop, grabbing my jacket and shirt from beside me. He carefully picked me up and set my clothes on top of me, covering my revealed chest and stomach.
  "Sh, It's okay," he said in a soothing voice. "They ain't gonna hurt you no more."
  I opened my eyes and stared up at him. I'm so happy to have him, lucky, too. He'll protect you, make you grin, and he will be there when you most need him.
  He set me down, allowing me to out on my clothes.
  "They didn't do anything to hurt you, now, did they?" He worriedly asked. I was now fully clothed and he looked at me, sorrow in his eyes.
  "No," I said, shaking my head. "No, I'm alright, Sodapop."
  I began to feel tears welling up in my eyes. I hated crying in front of my family, it made me look weak. I wanted to look tough, tuff; even if I am a girl. The tears streamed down my face, but I hid them by burying my face into Soda's chest.
  He was shocked by the quick hug, but he understood that I needed one, so he put his head atop mike and rubbed my back slowly.
  "Thank you," I said in between quiet sobs.
  "It's alright," he said. "It's alright, I got you..."
  I finally felt better, so Soda and I went back to sit down. As I walked behind Soda, I received a few whistles and affectionate yells that I didn't appreciate from the Soc side of the bleachers.
  Soda sat down, but I walked to the fence and cooled off. A guy walked up from behind me, but I didn't realize until he smacked my butt. You're never safe from this here!
  "Are you sure you're a Greaser?" I was now burning with fury, and I'm sure you were able to see steam coming from my ears. "'Cuz most of is Socs get confused whether or not-"
  I quickly turned around and slugged him hard right across the face.
  "I am sick and damn well tired of tryin'a get away from you idiots!" I shout in his face.
  He reached for my cheek. "You're a feisty ome, aren't 'ya?"
  I looked on the ground to see a few broken bottles lining the fencing, and reached down. Before I did, someone grabbed the guy by the collar and forced him to the ground,
  I looked up to see the one and only Dallas Winston standing before me.
  "First of all, we're in my territory, ad we have plenty of people to come down and beat your," he made quotation marks in the air. "rich asses." He gestured a hand to the crowd.
  "Second, I'm pretty sure this pretty gal here doesn't deserve any shit from a son-of-a-gun such as your damned self!" He shouted. I could feel the tips of my ears getting red.
  The Soc's eyes widened as Dally finished. He stomped his foot loudly and inched closer to the guy as he lay on the ground. The action startled him, and he ran off while screeching.
  "T-Thanks," I managed to stutter out.
  "Anything for you," he said, bowing while putting out his hand before him, asking me to take it. "m'lady."
  I giggled to myself as he made a rare polite gesture towards me, a female. I took his cold hand as he lead us to our seats. A person with a cold hand has a warm heart.
  Most of the gang was there- Two-bit and Johnny were playing 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' over who got the last starburst, Pony and Soda were arguing over who had the best hair as Katelyn laughed at the two. Stormie was waving around her checkered flag while chit-chatting with Megan and Madison, and Dally and I sat down.
  "Darry had to work late tonight, so he wasn't able to make it," Sodapop sId. "He said he might be able to make the next one, though." He returned to his friendly argument.
  Although Darry wasn't supportive to as many things that risk you getting hudr, he does enjoy watching Steve race. He's pretty good at it, and, besides, he's Soda's best bud, after all!
  I was always happy that he out I'm extra work for us after mom and dad died. He was like the dad now; he helped the four of is, with the expectation of the gang coming over to raid the cabinets. They stayed over, made a mess, and he made them clean it up. Johnny came over sometimes for a few weeks because of his parents. Steve, Two-bit, and Dally came over to blow off steam because of their families,
  It was always good that Steve came over, anywho, we were dating anyways, so we see each other pretty often. Pony and I get along real well- him and Soda, I can trust anything with.
"So," Dally said. I hadn't realized how long I'd been staring and thinking before he said something.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I just... think about things a lot," I say, laughing to myself.
"Yes, I can see that," he chuckled. My cheeks felt hot as I knew he was staring at me.
"I have a boyfriend, y'know," I said. But I immediately felt bad after saying it, realizing how rude I sounded.
"Come on, I can't do something as small as just look at your pretty face?" He shook his head. "You got lucky with the time being when my little 'Prince Charmin' side came out at the right time and saved your ass."
I looked down. "You should be burying me in thank-you's by now." Introducing the real side to Dallas Winston. He let out one of his strange giggles, which made me laugh.
Stormie quickly ran out to the track, which made me turn my head to the track and shove my hand on Dally's face to make sure he was quiet.
"Dally, shut up, the race is startin' soon!" I said between laughs.
Stormie looked at me and put her hand out, and I looked under me to see a microphone. I grabbed it and tossed it to her.
Let the race begin!
As Stormie strutted out in her jean jacket and school spirit shirt, Sodapop watched her.
"Oh, well, would you look at that!" Dally shouted. "Pepsi-Cola's checking out the little 'thunder cloud' over there!" He slapped my brother hard on the back, and Soda's face immediately reddened.
"Am not!" He blurted.
"Come on, Sodapop, you gotta admit it someday!" Two-but yelled, falling over in his seat with laughter.
"What's the point? The whole world knows it anyways!" Ponyboy yelled.
"So there's nothin' going on with Katelyn, huh?" Soda smirked. She was luckily up to fix her hair in the bathroom at the time.
Everyone was laughing except for me anynore, so I yelled at everyone to be quiet.
"Man, you're really eager to-" I shushed loudly, trying to get Dally to shut up. But, being the smart ass he is, he began to say it again, only whispering this time.
"Man, you sure are eager to get this race done and over with so you can make-out with Steve!" My eyes widened and I swallowed hard, knowing Sodapop and Pony were behind me.
"Wait a minute-" Pony began.
"Nope! Don't wanna talk about it now!" I interrupted.
An old beeping of a car horn was rang through the field, which Steve had modified to make a cool noise. The side I was on began screaming as Stormie dashed to the middle.
"Ladies and gentlemen- well, somewhat gentlemen," she said, making everyone laugh, including myself. "Introducing- Steve Randle!"
The crowd goes wild- cowbells, blowhorns, loud screams, even, were heard throughout the area. I scream and yell as loud as I can, not even able to understand what words came from my mouth.
Dally's right- I can't wait until this is over with!
"Tim Sheperd!"
As she yells each of their names, both sides- Greaser and Soc - are booing and cheering for their specified racer.
"Y'all ready for the tie breakin' race?" She yells. Either side is screaming, making my eardrums almost not be able to hear anything anymore.
"Can Steve keep his position, and his girl?" She winked at me. "Or lose it all to Tim?"
"Are you ready, boys?" She turns to them, while Tim repetitively beeps his horn and Steve yells at the top of his lungs.
"Three laps around! Firs' one across wins! In three, two..."
Everything was in slow motion.
"One... Go..!"
And they were off- just like that. Everything seemed to go too fast, but so slow at the same time. I could only hear faint cheers and car engines as I blocked out everything else to focus on the race.
Steve was almost a half-lap in front of Tim, who was struggling to turn the corner. His tire screeched and it fell off, sending it flying somewhere in the corn. Dirt was flown into the air. His car began spinning uncontrollably until the front of it hit the side of Steve's car.
My heart was beating slowly out of my chest, and my breath was seen in the cold, summer night.
I could only process the next few moments while watching, and, again, I couldn't move. I watched as my boyfriend's car spun in a circle and crashed front-first into the concrete wall, only making a small dent at first.
Tim's car caught up from behind his, crunching it into the wall more, making Steve's car crush like an empty pop can.
Everything went back to place.
I could hear, I could breathe, I was able to focus. But, the only main thing I could hear was the screams of terror rushing through the crowd.
I could only do just that to see what was the matter, so I got up quickly and dashed to The field, and was greeted by Steve, who was now out of his car.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" I frantically asked.
"Of course I'm fine," he said, flexing. "Doesn't matter anyway, we gotta get out of here."
He looked at the front of his car, which was now up in flames. "That thing could blow any minute now."
Just then was when I heard the crackling of things burning up, and a slight sizzling sound. Tim was already bolting past us. Steve grabbed my wrist and ran with me deeper into the field. At that moment, the car blew up.
The exposing wasn't too big, but it was big enough to send the two of us crashing to the ground. Steve had his arms tightly gripped around me, and I had my head resting in his neck.
"Baby, it's okay, we're safe now," he whispered in my ear.
I was then greeted by a black darkness, soon to find myself unconscious on the cold grass.

Damn my fingers hurt.

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