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"BABY, FOR THE LAST TIME, I'M FINE," I heard Steve begin to say from outside of the hospital room. "I just got some minor injuries, that's all, toots."

  JP sighed and took his hand. "You got nothin' to worry about. I just hope that bastard Tim knows he is gonna pay for what he done to my tuff-lookin' ride."

  "Not so tuff lookin' anymore, hey, Pony?" Johnny chuckled.

  "You better watch your back, too, kid," Steve warned. That immediately shut Pony and Johnny up. He struggled to get up, but failed because of his sore legs.

  "Hey, take that back!" JP said, punching Steve's arm.

  "Ow! Hey, that's my bad arm you just punched. I was just jokin', quit being such a worry wart," he snickered. "I take that back, you're cute when you're pissed off."

  After a few long minutes, a few sets of reporters came running in, throwing each other out of the way to get a juicy story from Steve.

  "Get the hell outta here, we don't need y'all right now!" Darry yelled as he entered, slamming the door opened. The men and women seemed scared, and walked out of the room with their faces full of disappointment.

  "Hey, wait!" Steve interrupted, making all of the faces turn to him. "It's not my fault I'm so popular and attractive, the paparazzi want to follow me around," he said, pretending to flip his non-existing long hair. "Hey, you can stay behind to ask me questions." He pointed to a man about Darry's age. Everyone was now out of the room except for the gang and the reporter dude.

  "So," the man cleared his throat, "what were you exactly doing to get in here in the first place?" he asked, his voice very masculine.

  "Well, all day I was workin' on my car, oh, my precious car," he sounded angry. "Anyways, I was workin' all day before the race had started- oh, I even put in this snazzy new horn in it to show off," he began.

  "I even did the good ol' wax on, wax off technique-"

  "Damn it, Steve, get to the point!" Two-bit hollered. Steve scowled as Two sat in his chair, quietly giggling to himself.

  "Whatever- so we was racin'; well, I was at least. I was in the lead when the damn bastard rammed me," he now yelled.

He laughed to himself. "I had quite the Micheal Bay moment when my girl ran out worried sick. We ran deeper into the field and the car just exploded," he put up his hands. "End of story."

  The reporter walked out, saying a shy "thank you" as he left.

  "Oh, hey, even though you crashed and all," I began. "You won the race, I forgot to say."

  Everyone stared at me in shock, mouths wide open.

  "'The hell, Stormie, whyn't you tell us before we beat on Tim? How the hell'd he win?" Dally said alarmingly.

  "First of all, about the whole Tim thing, we were all in panic at the moment. Second, when they crashed, Steve was in front of Tim. Besides, under the circumstances he was in, Steve would'a won anyways," I said.

  "Well, I'll be damned!" Steve shouted.

  "Booze is my treat!" Two-bit yelled loudly. Everyone was hollering and yelling until the doctor came in a minute later.

  "Steve Randle?" the man asked. He looked over at me and I nodded. "So says here you were illegally racing, crashed, and got some small minor injuries."

  I looked over at JP, who had a worried look on her face.

  "They're letting you get away with it this time,kid. Next time you're being jailed. You just have a small concussion and a sprained wrist with a few broken knuckles."

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