CHAPTER ONE: Edwin's Secret

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Wendy's POV

As I lay lazily on my desk, I stared at the clock in my classroom, waiting for the bell to ring. Mr Kenny continued with his teaching, oblivious to what I was doing.

Another two minutes. I sighed.

"Okay, I'll stop here for today. Make sure you guys go home and revise." Mr Kenny said to the class. Yawns and groans could be heard and students were seen stretching and standing up, taking their leave as Mr Kenny walked out of the classroom to the ever ending hallway. I too, stood up and packed my bag pack and head to my locker which was just outside the classroom.

I took my key out of my pocket and clicked my locker open. As I pulled the metal door open, someone pulled my hair which was tied up into a bun and my slightly wavy hair fell onto my shoulders as the rubber band came off.

"Look who's here. It's dog poop!" Alina, the popular girl laughed, at me. Alina was gorgeous; she had brown wavy hair with deep black eyes which makes guys go head over heels for her.

"What are you staring at?" Alina said as she used a finger to push my forehead backwards and used her left hand to flip her hair behind, showing off her collarbone. Alina really loves the fact that I was envious of her good looks.

"So, where's that stupid friend of yours? I thought you guys were such GOOD friends. Why? She abandoned you because you were too ugly?" She insulted me with a smirk on her face and she chuckled a little before giving me her infamous face again. Jessica didn't come to school today because she was sick.

"Speaking of which, I just got a new boyfriend. I guess you wouldn't even have one in your life because of that face of yours." Alina said proudly as she pushed my shoulder with her finger and cocked her head upwards. How pathetic, getting a new boyfriend almost every week.

"I better get going now and not wasting my time with this LONER here." Alina said and pushed my books off my hands and they fell to the ground. Without looking back, she walked off with her group of 'friends'. I sighed and got down to pick my books up. I could feel that everybody in the hallway was staring at me and whispering among themselves, some even laughed and chuckled. My face heated up, feeling anger and at the same time, embarrassment.

"... Cheer Up!" I jumped as the loud voice ringed in my ears, it was Freed's voice. In an instant, I knew who had come, Edwin Jordan. My Crush.

I had a crush on him, a serious one. Due to the fact that Jessica had a few boyfriends (around two), and got hurt by both of them. I learnt and decided to keep quiet about the fact that I had a crush on him and only Jessica knew about my feelings.

I always know when he was coming or where he was every time due to his friends. Especially Freed, the loudest one. They always spoke really loudly till anyone could easily locate them. Edwin has deep Hazel-Brown eyes and a pale and flawless complexion. What made me like him was his smile; it always made the butterflies in my stomach worse than just looking at him. He also has many female acquaintances (including Alina), from what I observed. Rumors said that Edwin was a player and dated many girls before. Well, it wasn't unbelievable, he was handsome.

I hid my face behind the door of my locker, not wanting him to notice me. I stared straight into my locker; waiting for them to pass by me was like waiting for the sun to appear in the middle of the night. Soon, they walked away, towards the cafeteria. I placed my books in my locker and locked it. I then quickly walked off in the opposite direction, where the school gate was.

Edwin's POV

I just got out of class with my friends (three of them excluding me) when the bell rang. We were going to the cafeteria to have a snack. I was troubled by my mum's thoughts last night. Why can't Edwin have a girlfriend who is smart, well-behaved and fun? I'm getting more and more worried every time he brings home bad company... The words rang in my mind again as I recalled her thoughts last night.

Yes, I could read minds. Everyone in my family have at least one special power. Mine was telepathy and speed, my mum's was Shield Penetration (able to send visions and thoughts into someone's mind by physical contact) and my father's was Ability Identification (Can sense the type of supernatural gifts people have, regardless of he being a human or not). Nobody knew that I have supernatural gifts except for my family and my friend, Henry. Henry knew because he was one of my kind too. A vampire... Henry's power was one of the strongest gifts any vampire could have. He could see people's past just by physical contact.

"Hey, Edwin!" the voice broke my thoughts as I looked up and saw Henry shouting my name with a puzzled face.


"You okay there, bro? You look upset nowadays." Henry said.

"Yeah! What's wrong? Cheer up!" Freed shouted.

"Not so loud." I said and smacked his back.

"Sorry, it's a habit." Freed whispered as he rubbed his back where I hit him just a moment ago.

I sighed as I walked with my group of friends; they were already talking among themselves when I was distracted by someone. A girl. She was standing in front of her locker, staring blankly at it. Weird...She somehow gives off a familiar aura. It felt...comfortable.

I turned around to face the front again as I walked pass her and I heard a loud slam of a locker closing. I turned around sharply to where the girl was just now. She was walking away, really fast.

"Why? Interested in her? Wanna go for it again? It's been long since you ever had one." Keven said while holding on to my right shoulder and whispering into my ear.

"No...She was just weird."

"Really? I see..." he said as he moved away with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and continued my way to the cafeteria and talking all the way with Keven, Henry and Freed.

"What are you gonna get?" Keven asked me when we reached the cafeteria.

"Nah, I'm going home to eat."

"You're weird you know?"

"Huh?" I looked at him with a puzzled face.

"You don't eat every time we come to the cafeteria or anywhere with us. Henry, you too. You guys on a diet or something?" I laughed at the statement he made and Henry turned his head to look at us upon hearing his name being called out.

"What?" Keven said and I shook my head. The reason we don't eat is not because we didn't want to eat. It's just that we preferred another kind food that humans won't understand. Blood.


Hi, everyone! Tiffany here! I'm back with a new story and hope you enjoyed the very First Chapter! Do check out my next Chapter, thanks! ^^

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