Chapter 1

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I woke up to my alarm blaring Something Big by Shawn Mendes. Checking the clock, I saw that I had an hour to get ready. There was a knock on my door right after I had just finished changing into my gray sweater, dark blue ripped skinny jeans, and black and white Vans. The door opened to reveal my dad, Billy Black. He was forever in a wheelchair from his diabetes growth that happened after the accident that had killed my mother.

"Morning sweetheart, breakfast is on the table," he said.

"Mornin' and I'll be out in a few," I replied with a small smile on my face.

Nodding, he left to go wake up Jake. Grabbing my black and red tie dyed backpack I headed to the dinning room to see two sets of chocolate chip pancakes and orange juice set out. One plate had more than the other. I hungrily ate the plate that had the most and left for school with fifteen minutes to spare. As I reached the school parking lot Paul Lahote's car drove by, spraying me with sand from the beach that the winds carry over. I scowled as I forced myself to walk into the school building. Everyone stopped and stared as I drug myself to my locker. They started whispering about me, saying how I was the loner of the school because all of my friends left me for Sam Uley's 'cult' and how I was starting to look like them. Ignoring what they said I treaded to art, my first class of the day.


It was now lunch time and I was feed up with the school talking about me behind my back. Even though it's only the first day of school it felt like I was living my mother's death pity party from the school all over again. I again grabbed twice as much food as I usually ate, paid and sat in the corner of the cafeteria. Feeling the probing stares of my classmates I jumped up, shaking with anger.


Everyone stared at me with wide eyes. Scanning over the lunch room my gaze landed on Jake's table. Feeling sick, I grabbed my bag and ran out of the school and into the woods. I was thinking about all of the times my classmates made fun of me and when all of my friends left me for Sam and started to shake more. The next thing I knew I was on all fours. Looking down I saw that I had black fur all over me.

'RAIZEL!' a familiar voice yelled.

I ran as fast as I could knowing that if anyone saw me like this they would think I was a freak of nature.

'RAIZEL!' another voice said.

'Why can't they just shut up and leave me alone!' I exclaimed.

'Why do you want us to leave you alone?' a voice, different from the other two, asked.

I stopped running when I reached a river that was deep in the woods.

'Who are you and why are you in my head?'

'It's me Jared along with Sam, Jake, Seth, Paul, and Leah.' Jared said.

After that was said two wolves bounded out between the trees. A black wolf that was and inch shorter than me and a dark grey wolf that was shorter than both the black wolf and I. Seth, Leah, Jake, and Jared ran out of the trees in shorts, and in Leah's case, shorts and a tank top. They stared at me wide eyed. Paul and Sam went behind some trees, I'm guessing, to change back to human.

"This is impossible," stated Sam as he stared at me with shock.

'What is?' I questioned.

"She asked what was impossible," a new voice said joining us.

Everyone looked behind me and I turned around in confusion. There were eight people. One ginger, three blonds and five brunettes, all immaculately beautiful and had unnatural golden eyes.

"I'm Edward Cullen," the lanky boy with bronze colored hair said.

As he continued he pointed everyone out along with saying their name. Jasper was the one with short curly blond hair. Alice was pixie like with her close cropped black hair. Damon had red hair and freckles along his nose. Rosalie was another blond with her hair going to her mid back. 'For all I know, she could've came out of a magazine with how beautiful she is,' I said. Edward laughed at my comment and kept going. Drew had light brown hair with a buff build. Esme had caramel colored hair and was their mother for all intents and purposes. Carlisle was their father for all intents and purposes and had platinum blond hair. The last Cullen caught my attention the most. He had close cropped curly dark brown hair and a body builder body.

As I was about to look away I caught his eyes and was pulled into a vision. I saw our first date, first kiss, him on one knee asking me to marry him, our wedding day. I last saw me with a big stomach before I was pulled back to the real world.

"I know that look. It only happens when a shape shifter imprints. Who did you imprint on?" my brother Jake questioned.

I just looked at him to see if he would get the hint of me wanting to change back to human form.

"She wants to change back," stated Edward.

'Thanks,' I turned to him with a grin and all the Cullen's laughed.

"Oh! Just think of yourself when you're a person, your physical features," Sam said.

Thinking about my hair that went to my lower back and my tall figure, I phased back with my school clothes still on. Everyone stared at me in shock including the Cullens.

I looked at them confused and asked, "What's imprinting?"

"Imprinting is when you see him, or her if your a guy, and it's not gravity holding you down, it's them. You'd be anything for them, whether it be a friend, a brother, a protector, or a lover," said Leah.

"You sound like you know the feeling," I said looking at my Vans.

"I don't but I've had it explained to me by my cousin, Emily, Sam's imprint," she said, growling at the end.

I looked towards Sam to see him with a grief struck face.

"So who did you imprint on?" Jake questioned teasingly.

"Immet Huhhen," I mumbled shyly, looking down.


"Emmet Cullen," I repeated.

No movement was heard and I looked up and noticed that the rest of the pack was here.

'School must be over,' I thought.

They had a look of shock and anger mixed together while the Cullens had a look of just shock. Knowing that Jake was over protective of me, I looked towards him. He was shaking like crazy. The next thing I know he started to sprint right towards Emmet. Getting angry at what was happening I jumped in front of Jake, stopping him in his tracks.

"You cant do this Jake!" I yelled.

"Move out of the way!" he replied.

"No. If you want to hurt him or ANY of the Cullens you'll have to go through me."

"Bring it on little sis," he moved to a fighting stance and I copied his movements.

Jake ran towards me and at the last second I moved out of the way. He turned around with anger in his eyes. I put my hand up beckoning him to come at me. We circled each other, he occasionally threw punches towards my stomach. I was barely able to block him when a voice spoke to me.

'Be the alpha you're supposed to be.' it said.

My mind went blank as Jake threw another punch. I stood straight as it came at me then blocked it with speed that I never knew that I had. Punch after punch he threw, me blocking each and every one. I started to respond with my own punches, one after the other. Jake wasn't able to block them. I did an uppercut to his chest and he flew back landing in the shallow water of the river. As I stood on front of him I said, " I thought that I've been hurt before, but what you've just done hurt me more."\

I stood back and punched him in his temple knocking him out. I turned around to see everyone with shocked and confused faces.


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