Chapter 4

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BEEP! BEEP! BE- I grabbed the source of the noise and threw it at the wall and fell back asleep.

Before I could dive deep into the world of dreaming again, dad yelled, "REALLY RAIZEL! THAT'S YOUR THIRD ALARM...THIS WEEK!"

I fell out of bed, my legs in a tangle of bedsheets, and groaned. Laughter was heard from my door way as I struggled to get out of the mess I had gotten myself into.

Glaring at Jake I said,"Get your lazy self over here and help me...please?"

"Fine only because we have school in twenty five minutes," he said as he untangled me

The second Jake finished I sprinted towards my closet and put on the first thing that I touched. I was wearing a galaxy sweater, white skinny jeans, blue combat boots, and star shaped studs. Grabbing my backpack and a strawberry granola bar, I ran for school with Jake tagging along.

It was now lunch time and people kept staring like they did yesterday.

"So are you going to the Cullens after school?" Jake questioned as he ate his third slice of pizza.

"I'm going home to change first and grab a present for Bella. Then help the pixie with decorating," I replied, drinking my strawberry milk.

The pack laughed at what I called Alice. I mean, come on, she's four eleven and is always happy. What could be a better nickname for her other than pixie? Anyway, lunch had just now ended and we were all laughing and playing around when Jack, the school player, walked up to me, blocking my way to math.

"Hey babe," he said while winking.

"I'm not your 'babe' Jack and leave me alone," I said walking around him, but he, yet again, blocked my way.

"Don't talk to me like that. You know you want me," he replied smirking.

People in the hallway started to walk over to see what was happening.

"I don't want you. No one...wants you," I stated getting angry.

A hot sensation spread across my cheek. Students gasped as he pulled me close.

"Let her go," Jake growled.

"SHUT UP BLACK!" yelled Jack.

"Let. Me. Go," my voice started to go deep, letting me know that I'm getting furious.

"Nope, you're mine. All mine," his eyes held possession as his grip tightened around me.

"You don't want to mess with me. Don't make me say it again," I shook slightly.

"What are you going to do. Cry? Make Jake save you? How 'bout Paul? Or Jared? What. Are. You. Going. To. Do? Huh? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?" he yelled.

I started to buzz with anger.

"Stay AWAY FROM ME!"I screamed at him.

Pushing him back, I punched him in the face sending him flying into the lockers. Growling, I dragged him by the collar of his shirt to the middle of the hallway. People gasped in surprise by my strength. I stood in front of him and continually punched him in the face while he was on his knees. A pair of hands grabbed my arms and started to pull me back. I broke free and kicked Jack in his stomach multiple times, hearing his ribs crack. The same set of hands pulled me back with help from four other pairs.

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