Chapter 10

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"How about..."


"How about...Never Have I Ever," I said and smirked, "No alcohol though."

"Okay, five fingers up everybody!" Emmett exclaimed.

We all sat in a circle in the living room, the T.V. playing softly in the background.

"I'll start!" Iris said excitedly, "Never have I ever...been in handcuffs."

I set a finger down and everyone looked at me with questioning gazes.

"I was in eighth grade and my friends called the cops telling them that I stole something as part of a prank they pulled on me," I stated as I complied to their unsaid request.

"Okay um.. Never have I a whole Harry Potter book," everyone but me put a finger down, glaring at my direction.

"Y'all got too much time on your hands," I said and raised my hands in in a defensive way.

We continued the game, playing more than once.

"Never have I ever attempted to commit suicide," Jasper said.

I put my last finger down in shame.

"Why?' Iris whispered.

"it was a dark time...My mom had just passed away and I lost all of my friends to Sam. I was alone and had no one to vent all of my problems to. So...I kept them to myself. I was constantly bullied and made fun of because of my panic attacks the I jumped from the tallest cliff in La Push. I owe Harry Clearwater my life for saving mine that dreadful day," I kept my head down as I finished talking.

A pair of arms wrapped around my torso, "I'm sorry for saying-."

I cut her off by saying "It's okay. It's not your fault, you were just curious."

After our little moment Emmett asked, "Who's up for some movies?"

~Time skip four months~

Months have passed as Jasper, Iris, Emmett, and I have gotten closer. In December we had decided to leave England and meet up with the rest of the Cullens, apart from Edward, in Alaska.

Carlisle and Esme decided to go on a two-day hunting trip this morning so we chose to watch The Conjuring. Near the end of the movie Alice had a vision that Bella had jumped off a cliff. She stated was leaving to Forks to see if it actually happened when Iris said, "I going with you."

"No!" Jasper growled out in anger.

"I'll be back soon. I promise," she said as she gave Jasper a peck on the lips.

As soon as Iris and Alice left Damon, Emmett, and Drew declared that they were going to go hunt. Seeing as Rosalie hunted the day before, she stayed with me.

"I have to tell Edward," she said.

"Tinkerbell, that's no such a good idea. What if he goes to the Volturi?" I questioned, not wanting to put the Cullens, along with Charlie, in danger.

"Edward, Bella's dead."

Iris' POV

I had decided to tag along with Alice to check on Bella to see if she was actually dead. We took Carlisle's car and once we reached her house we climbed in through an open window. We heard the slam of old truck door in the driveway. The front door slammed open and we dashed downstairs.

"Alice!" Bella exclaimed and threw her arms around her.

She backed away as she saw Alice's pitch black eyes.

"Would you like to explain to us how you're alive?" I questioned her with a glare.

"You saw me fall," Bella mumbled.

"No, I saw you jump."

"Alice, I wasn't going to commit suicide. I did it for recreational purposes."

"Why do you smell like wet dog?" I snarled, my face showing disgust.

"Jake saved me. he's sort of a werewolf now," Bella sheepishly stated.

"Werewolves are not goo company to keep," Alice said as the overpowering smell of wet dog infiltrated Bella's house.

Alice stood up and shifted closer to the back door, where I was at.

"Alice, Iris don't leave!" Bella pleaded.

"We'll come back in as soon as you put the filthy mutt out," I said sweetly.

Half an hour later, Alice and I walked back into the house, the scent of drenched mutt barely there.

As soon as I sat down Alice was pulled into a vision and I had a feeling that I wasn't going to go well.

"Alice, what is it?" Bella questioned, concerned.

"It's Edward. He's going to the Volturi."

"What," I exclaimed.

"He wants to die too," she continued, ignoring my comment.

"How did he-."

"That stupid mutt of yours," I yelled and got up, running outside.

"Wait!" Bella yelled, but it was too late.

I grabbed Jake by the throat and pinned him to Bella's beat-up truck.

"This is all your fault!" I yelled in his face.

"My fault!? If it weren't for you leeches leaving Bella none of this would've happened!" He screamed in my face.

I growled and slammed him into the truck harder, my protective side showing.

"Iris! Let go of Jake," Bella said as she started to climb into Carlisle's car.

"Bella, if you go we can't save you...I can't save you," Jake said lowly.

"Then don't," was Bella's all-star reply.

I climbed into the car and bucked my seat belt, even though I knew I wouldn't need it, but safety comes first. Alice sped off into to the night so we could save our brother and my cousins lover boy.

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