Chapter 11

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Iris' POV

Volterra, Italy

We reached Volterra ten minutes before mid-day, before the yellow Lamborghini Alice stole, got stuck in the throng of people. I put the hood of my sweater up and climbed out of the car to let Bella out.

"GO!" Alice and I stated in firm voices.

We watched Bella run into the crowd before we parked the car. Making sure that there was no one around we flashed, towards the Volturi's palace, where we meet up with Edward, Bella, and some of the guards.

"Lets not cause a scene, there are people trying to enjoy today," I said as I unzipped my sweater to reveal my black V-neck t-shirt.

"Aro, wants to see you," Jane said as she flashed in front of guards.

We walked at a human pace so that Bella could stay with us as we headed towards the room that Aro, Caius, and Marcus were in. We walked down the hallways of the building until we reached a pair or old wooden doors. Once opened we quickly walked inside and the door shut quietly behind us.

"You're back! And you brought back an extra and a half," Aro stated as he looked over and Bella and I.

I squinted my eyes as Bella hid behind Edward and I. Aro held out his hand for Edward and Bella clutched his arm, silently begging him to not go. I wrapped Bella in my arms as he stepped forward and placed his hand in Aro's grasp.

"Really?" he questioned as he looked over at Bella once again, "May I?" he questioned, holding his hand towards Bella.

She reluctantly stepped forward and placed her hand in his grasp. He hummed in interest and looked towards Jane with a look in her eyes. I ran forward to block Jane's power from reaching Bella. I kneeled down in pain and clutched my heart in agony, my vision going dark.

"Stop!" A familiar voice screamed through the darkness.

The pain stopped only to have darkness consume me. I panicked and, out of instinct, formed a small ball with my hands. Light emanated from my palms creating a bright blue glow in the darkness. The dark void vanished as soon as I lifted my hand into the air. When I opened my eyes the entire Volturi clan, along with Bella, Alice, and Edward were staring at me.

Raizel's POV

Back in Alaska

I took to cooking as my way to lower my stress about Edward. In the middle of cutting some carrots, I sliced my palm, a mild stream of blood pouring out. I dashed to the sink and rinsed the blood off, watching my skin seal itself back together and leaving a faint pink scar.

I sighed and went back to the cutting board, only to find half the carrots covered in blood. I huffed and sat down at the kitchen bar with my head in my hands. A pair of hands rested on my shoulders and slowly rubbed away the stress.

"Is everything ok?" Emmett asked, sitting on the other stool beside me.

"I'm just worried about Bells. She's never done this to herself before," I said as I gripped my hair in my palms. He rubbed his hand up and down my back in a soothing way.

"It'll be ok. Alice, Edward, and Iris know what they're doing. Don't worry," he said as his phone blasted the Star Wars theme song blasts through the speakers.

I chose not to listen to the conversation and clean up the mess I made in the kitchen. I started with the pots and pans, placing them into the sink, leaving the carrots for last. Contaminated food is the worse food, my mom always told me. I was washing the dishes when Emmett said something that caught my attention.

"They're back?" he asked as he looked over at me," Yeah, we'll be there by tonight."

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