Chapter 5

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"Walk with me?"

I looked towards Emmett and cocked my head towards the woods. He nodded his head slightly and we said bye to the last of the Cullens. We were silent as we walked through the woods, taking in the natural beauty of the nature around us.

"So...What made you want to leave with us?" questioned Emmett.

"We considering that you are my imprint...I just thought it was the right thing to do." I replied.

We slipped into another comfortable silence. Reaching the treaty line, Emmett slipped his hand into mine.

"I've been thinking...I know that we're not dating, but would you like to meet my dad? Formally, I mean," I stuttered out, blushing.

"I would love to," he responded.

I pulled him along as we passed the treaty line. Growling was heard as we walked further into La Push. I started to swing our hands back and forth as we neared my house. Feelings of nervousness and fear filled my body making my hands shake.

"Hey hey hey, it's going to be okay. I'll be there the entire time," Emmett said, comforting me.

Nodding my head, I lead us inside.

"Dad! You here?" I called.

"Yes sweetheart, what is it?" he replied.

"Well , I would like you to meet someone and to ask you something," I said as he rolled into the room.

He stared at Emmett, talking in our body language. We were standing next to each other, far enough to see that we aren't together, but friends.

"I wanted to formally introduce myself. I'm Emmet Cullen, Raizel's imprint, it's nice to meet you Mr. Black," Emmett held his hand out for a shake.

"It's nice to meet you too Emmett. Now, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" dad questioned as he shook Emmett's hand

. "I don't know how to say this, but...Emmet's family is leaving for a while because of an incident that happened to Bella. They don't know how long they are going to be gone for and I was wondering if I would be able to go with them," I hopefully said.

Before dad could answer, Jake walked in.

"What reeks like leach?" he questioned.

Jake looked over to dad, Emmett, and I.

"What's he doing here?" Jake roared.

"You see what had happened was that the Cullens are going to be leaving and I just asked dad if i could go with them, but then you interrupted dad's response," I stated coldly at Jake.

"You're not going anywhere Raizel. Tell her dad, tell her that she's not going anywhere," Jake demanded.

I looked at Jake with a shocked expression. The Jake I knew would never do this to me.

"You may go with the Cullens. I'll tell the school that you had to stay home for a few months and have your school work mailed to where ever you're going to be at," dad said.

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