Chapter 7

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Once we reached the Cullen household, we were called to the living room. We all gathered around either sitting or standing with our mate or in my case, my imprint.

"As we all know, we are moving for a few months and Raizel has decided to join us," Carlisle stated.

"We have decided that we are going to split and go separate ways for the time being. We will occasionally call to check in with each other, but we know that some of us need our space and get things off of our minds. Raizel we have arranged for you to do online schooling so you won't fall behind in your school work. And Emmett...please don't distract the poor girl from her studies," Esme continued for Carlisle.

"You didn't have to do that. My dad was going to mail me the work from school," I stated in shock.

"It's okay sweetheart, your father already agreed with the plan," stated Esme.

I smiled lightly at her and asked, "So...When are we leaving?"
Iris, Jasper, Emmett and I decided to go to England for the time being. We were at the airport waiting for our plane to be called when I had the sudden feeling to use the bathroom.

"Hey Em, I'll be right back," I declared.

"Okay, just be safe," he said as he looked at me with a strong emotion in his deep golden eyes.

I nodded my head as an okay and headed towards the bathroom that was a few paces away. Once inside I did my business and started to wash my hands when another person walked in. I looked up to see that it was Iris with a look of sadness etched onto her beautiful pale face.

"Hey is everything okay?" I sincerely asked.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry," she whispered.

"What for? You haven't done anything wrong."

"My power gives me the ability to see a person's past with a single touch. When I shook your hand I was sucked into your past. I saw what happened that night that your mom died and I figured that it wasn't something that you wanted to tell anybody so I didn't tell anyone in the family. I just felt like saying sorry because it's not something that is easily forgettable and I didn't feel like it was right you your past without you knowing that I did."

"T-thank you for telling me that you know. I'm just glad that someone knows about my past and is not blaming me for what happened unlike Jake," I reservedly said.

"Flight 205 boarding to England. Flight 205 boarding to England," The flight attendant firmly stated over the intercom.

"I guess it's time to go," Iris quietly said as she guided us out the door and back to the boys.

"Ready to go?" Emmett asked as he grabbed our carry-on bags.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I sighed.

We all waited our turn in line to pass the gate to get onto the plane. As we were coming up to be the first in line, the red headed flight attendant stared at Emmett. I looked at her name tag to see that it read Scarlet.

"Ticket please," Scarlet drawled out in an unattractive way.

Emmett quietly handed her the tickets and grabbed my hand with his free one and slightly swung it back and forth. Scarlet noticed the small movement and glared at our hands. She handed us back our tickets and we were on our way.
"Please put on your seatbelts, we will be landing shortly," A male flight attendant stated.

I pulled up my window and saw that it was starting to sprinkle. The sky was a dark grey color with the occasional city lights flashing.

"It's so beautiful here," I whispered, not wanting to disturb the people around us.

"Just wait 'til we land and we get some food into you," Emmett said, and I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"Can't wait," I exclaimed excitedly.

The plane started the descent down onto the tarmac and I couldn't wait to see what this foreign place had in store for me.


I know that it's short, but I wanted to give you guys
a little something since I haven't updated in a long time.
Leave a comment on what you think and I'll try
to update again.

Thanks for reading!

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