Chapter 8

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We had just gotten off the plane and were walking to baggage claim when I had the sudden urge to use the bathroom.

"Hey, I'll be right back," I said and left in a hurry.

Once I relieved myself I washed my hands and tried to find one of the three Cullens I came here with.

"Raizel!" I heard someone call behind me.

I turned around to find Emmett surrounded by teenage girls and chuckled as he mouthed for me to save him. Walking over, I pushed my way into the growing crowd of feisty girls and grasped his hand. When I started to pull him away I felt the glares from the mass of females. As we reached the other side of the airport I spotted Iris and Jasper in a vehicle rental place. Once they finished we got in the car and took off.

"Girls can't seem to keep their hands off you huh?" Jasper rhetorically asked with a smirk on his face.

After Jasper said that the song 'Hands To Myself' started playing and I burst out laughing at the coincidence. Emmet groaned and mumbled and said incoherent sentences.

"Awww is the big teddy bear mad," I said in a baby voice.

"No," Emmett said while looking down.

I chuckled at him as we pulled into a cottage in the dense woods.

"It's so beautiful," I said in awe.

"Yes you are," Emmett whispered, not thinking that I could hear him.

I smiled brightly and blushed before I got out the car and grabbed my stuff.

"We only have one bed in this house," Iris stated, looking towards me.

"That's okay," I replied, directing a light smile towards her.

She smiled back and walked inside with Jasper. I turned around to come face to nose with Emmett. Slightly looking up, I saw Emmett look at me with adoration.

"What?" I question curiously.

"Would you like to go out tonight?" He asked.

"As in...a date?"

"Yeah," he said as he wrapped his arms lightly around my waist, "I just figured that, since nothing is happening right now, that we could spend some time to get to know each other better be-"

"I would love to go on a date with you," I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his chest.

"Great! I'll pick you up at a six," he unwrapped his arms and walked towards the forest.

Knowing that he was going to hunt for tonight, I grabbed my bags again and walked inside the cottage. Once I stepped inside, Iris stood in front of me with a slight smile.

"Let's go get you ready for tonight."

~6 PM~

Iris' POV

I had decided to help Raizel get dressed for her date with Emmett tonight. He had told me to not dress her up to fancy, but not too casual as well. I chose a pink peplum top that had a black thin belt around it, light blue ripped skinny jeans, gold sandals, a light brown off-the-shoulder bag, crimson rose earrings, and a watch that had an elephant design.

Right now I was trying to persuade her to let me do her make up. She kept dashing around the room even though she knew I could easily stop her. Once she got tired I pleaded, "Mascara? It's the only make-up I'll put on you!"

"No!" she exclaimed.

"Yes!" I said, not giving up.

".... Fine," she mumbled in defeat.

I smiled in triumph as lightly dabbed on some mascara. Once I was finished I stepped back to look at my master piece.

"Thanks for doing this Iris," Raizel sincerely stated.

"Of course, what is family for?" I asked rhetorically and smiled.

"Oh my ears and whiskers! You're gonna be late!" I exclaimed and grabbed her arm dragging her downstairs.

We reached the living room exactly at six. Jasper was standing by the fire with a book in his hands. Emmett was sitting on the couch with his elbows on his knees and his hands covering his chin in anticipation.

I let go of Raizel and walk over to Jasper as Emmett stands up from his spot with amazement in his eyes.

"You look..." He started.

"I told Iris it was too mu-,"

"It's perfect," Emmet whispered.

"He's whipped," Jasper mumbled into my hair.

I chuckled and glanced at the other soon-to-be couple. They were headed out the door, hands interlaced.

"They're sooo cute!" I proclaimed.

"And you are too," Jasper said as he pecked my jaw.

"Jasper. Movie," I firmly stated.

He groaned, but complied and picked out my favorite movie, The Breakfast Club.

Half way into the movie, I turned towards Jasper and said, "Thank you."

"For what?" he questioned looking down at me.

"For be there through my transformation and just being yourself around me."

"Anything for you darlin', anything for you," he whispered and kissed my temple.

I smiled and laid my head against his chest to finish the movie.

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