Chapter 3

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I had just woke up and fear overcame me after a few minutes when Jake confirmed that I was Aldercy Alderes' first grandchild.

It was silent for a few minutes before Sam broke it saying, "We should leave."

"I'm not leaving," Jake and I said in unison.

"We are leaving," Sam repeated using him alpha voice.

I walked up to him calmly, putting my face close to his.

"I'm. Not. Leaving." I growled out with venom laced in my words

. Sam shrunk back, glared at me, then walked out of the door. The pack started to follow, looking at me with pitying glances.

"Leah!" I called out, making the pack look back, "Stay. Please."

Everyone stared to see the outcome seeing as no one can defy an alpha's order. The glare that she constantly had on fell away and she hesitantly nodded, walking over to the couch to sit down. Sam stared in shock before his glare on was back on his face and he stormed out, phasing and running back to La Push. The other followed shortly after leaving it to just be the Cullen's, Leah, Jake, Bella, Iris, and I. Awkward tension filled the air, making all of us to slightly shift around.

" about that weather huh?" I awkwardly said.

Emmett's booming laughter filled the house along with Carlisle, Rosalie, and Alice. The rest had bright smiles on their faces.

'I wonder if they would tell me their story,' I thought to myself, not wanting to be nosey.

"That might be a good idea now that you have imprinted on Emmet," Edward stated, looking at me.

"What might be?" questioned Bella.

"I was thinking that you guys could tell me your story..." I paused, " You don't have to if you don't want to. It was just a suggestion," I stated quickly after, becoming nervous.

Rosalie slowly backed out of the room, not wanting to share her story.

"I thinks it's a great idea now that you're apart of the family now," Esme said.

"I volunteer as tribute!" Blake exclaimed and we all laughed.

"It was in 1932..." Blake told us his story which was quite funny.

He was taking a late night jog when something knocked him down. They fought but he stopped when he noticed it was Rosalie. He was fascinated with her beauty and was drawn to her that he just walked up to her and kissed her and asked her to change him. He told us he was one to believe supernatural creatures and that he's actually happy to be a living one. Carlisle, Esme, Edward, Alice, Jasper, and Emmet went after Blake finished. I cried when I heard how Emmet became a vampire as he was my imprint after all. Iris was the last and final person to speak.

"My parents and I went to the mall to go shopping a week before Rene's birthday. While we were in a country store a man in a mask pulled out a gun and started to tell at the man behind the cash register to give him all the money that was in it. My parents told me to stay where I was as they approached him. He pointed the gun toward them. As my dad was reaching for his wallet, to give the man money without taking it from the store, the man shot him. The bullet went straight through his heart, but didn't leave his body. Mom started to move towards dad but the man said that if she moved he would shoot her to. She started yelling, calling him a monster for killing an innocent man. He shot her too. I cried and ran towards my dead parents. The man then ran out, realizing that he had just taken the parents away from an eleven year old girl. Years passed as I lived with Aunt Rene, Uncle Phil, and Bella. We became inseparable, where Bella went I went and vise versa. Phil soon got offered to play baseball in Florida. We knew that Rene wanted to go with him, but she couldn't seeing as she had two seventeen year old girls. We told her we would go live with Uncle Charlie and was hesitant to let us go. When we arrived Charlie was happy to see us, but soon became controlling over Bella and I as we dated two sons of the great Dr. Carlisle, me more then Bella. I confronted him telling him that he wasn't allowed to control me as he was not my father. That was the day that Bells said the same thing to Charlie that Rene did when she left him. Alice and Damon drove Bella and I to Phoenix to lead James away from Charlie and the people of Forks. James called Bella and I telling us to meet him at the dance studio that Bella took classes in when she was younger or he would have to kill Rene. We fell for his trick as he only told us that to make us go there. He bit me as I tried to save Bella. In the end, I was turned as Bella was in the hospital pushing through her injuries. And that is my story of how I was changed. Please excuse me," Iris finished with tears in her eyes and she walked out the door and into the woods.

Tears welled in my eyes as I felt bad for what had happened to all of them. None of them wanted this as their lifestyle and I could tell that Rosalie and Iris hated it the most.

"Thank you for letting me hear your stories," I quietly said.

"It was no problem. It's good once and a while to go back to your past, but not to dwell in it," Carlisle wisely said.

I nodded my head in agreement, thinking about the day my mother died.

"Is it ok for me to tell you my story another day? I'm really tired," I said yawning as I stood up.

"Of course, dear," Esme motherly said.

I smiled slightly as I looked to Jake a nodded my head as a sign to get us home.

"I better take young one here home since we have school tomorrow," Jake said walking out the door to phase.

As I walked to the entrance myself Bella stopped me.

"Alice insisted on throwing me a birthday party tomorrow. Please come," she said.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," I groggily said and walked out the door.

Jake was in wolf form waiting for me. I hopped on and waved bye to the Cullens, my second family, and Emmet, my imprint.

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