Chapter 9

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Raizel's POV

Emmett had decided to take me to the pier in Brighton for our first date. We have been on a bunch of rides and are on our way to eat at a restaurant called Palm Court. We were seated in one second and had our drinks in front of us the next. I had taken a sip of my lemonade, after ordering my food, and looked out the window at all of the happy couples and families.

"Ehem," the waiter coughed," Your dinner is served, "he said as he placed a plate of steaming food in front of me.

"Thank you," I said and he nodded, walking away.

I started to eat when Emmett asked me which superhero was better, Batman or Superman.

"That's easy, Superman," I said as I looked down at my half empty plate.

"And why him?" he asked leaning forward in his seat, crossing his arms on the table.

"Because he's like us. He wants to help the world become a better place," I said sincerely looking into his bright golden eyes.

As I continued to stare in his eyes I hadn't noticed that he had paid for my meal.

"I could've gotten that," I mumbled, embarrassed.

"A man always pays for their date's meal," was all he said in reply.

His hand caught mine as we walked around aimlessly and our fingers interlaced. I grinned and squeezed tightly and his hand squeezed mine back just as tight. We decided to head back home so I could rest for the first time in eleven hours. Once we reached the car and buckled in Emmett put the car in reverse and we were on our way to the cabin. The radio was playing my favorite song so I decided to sing along quietly. (I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor)

"You never said you could sing," Emmett said as he pulled into the dirt driveway.

"I was laughed at, when I was younger, because I sang to high so usually I only sing when I'm by myself," I muttered while exiting the car.

"Well I think that you should sing more often. You have a very beautiful vice," Emmett said sincerely.

I blushed my scarlet red and rushed inside leaving a laughing Emmett behind. After rushing inside, came across Iris and Jasper cuddling on the couch.

"Awwwww!" I said and took out my phone. I quickly snapped a picture before they knew what was happening.

"This is going on Instagram!" I exclaimed and posted it as fast as I could.

"Why," Iris whined.

"Because I love you," I replied as I bounded up the stairs to the room with my luggage.

I shuffled through my suitcase and couldn't find my pajamas. I strode over to Emmet's suitcase and took out his basketball shorts and Star Wars tee-shirt. Heading to the shower I grabbed a pair of my socks and my shampoo and conditioner. After I got out of the shower I threw on the clothes and grabbed my glasses and the book I'm currently reading. I left the room and treaded my way down to the living room. I crawled onto the couch and tucked my legs underneath me. Opening my book, I immersed myself in the time of the 1300s.

(Marie Lu's The Young Elites- all credit goes to her. I had no part in writing what is in italics)

I was the talk of my family's eastern Dalia district. 'Adelina Amouteru?' They all said. 'Oh, she's one of those who survived the fever a decade ago. Poor thing. Her father will have a hard time marrying her off.'

No one meant because I wasn't beautiful. I'm not being arrogant, only honest. My nursemaid once told me that any man who'd ever laid eyes on my late mother was now waiting curiously to see how her two daughters would blossom into women. My younger sister, Violetta, was only fourteen and already the budding image of perfection. Unlike me, Violetta had inherited our mother's rosy temperament and innocent charm. She'd kiss my cheeks and laugh and twirl and dream. When we were very small, we'd sit together in the garden and she would braid periwinkles into my hair.

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