Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sound of a door slamming open, hoots, and hollers. I groaned and rolled out of bed and onto the floor. Yelling reached my ears and I looked over my outfit before thinking that it was ok and ran outside towards the voices. Sam, Jared, Embry, and Paul were staring at an all to familiar person. Bella raised her hand and punched Paul in the face. He started to breath hard, his body shaking.

"Bella run!" yelled Sam.

I ran forward and pushed Bella behind me, my back facing Paul as he phased. Claws dug deep into my back, tearing at my skin, and I let out a blood curling scream.

"Jake, run!" Bella exclaimed.

I didn't think anything about it as I was in major pain and my blood was running freely and profusely out of my back. I saw Jake and Paul start to fight and make their way into the woods.

"Embry, take Bella to Emily's. Jared help me take Raizel to the Cullen's," Sam ordered.

I felt two pairs of arms, on either side of my body, pick me up. The sudden movement caused me to be in more pain and another blood curling scream was released.

"Don't fall asleep Raizel, stay awake," Jared murmured.

We were probably near the Cullen's house when someone tripped making me roll on the hard forest floor and land on a rock that dug into my back. I groaned and saw black dots cloud my vision. A single pair of arms pick me up this time and started sprinting. We reached the Cullen house a few seconds later and they were all standing outside. I heard a loud string of gasps and growling.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" One of the Cullen's yelled.

"It wasn't me...It was Paul," a voice, that sounded like Jared, said.

"That son of a-"

"Emmett! Language!" Esme scolded.

"Em-Em-mett," I rasped out.

A cold hand touched my forehead.

"Yes?" He whispered.

"H-help m-me," I started to cough.

"Carlisle, she coughing up blood."

I was shuffled and a small breeze took over my body for a few seconds. A sharp pain crawled it's way up my arm to my head. Carlisle's face came into my line of sight.

"Go to sleep Raizel, everything is going to be okay," he said.

"Em..." I whispered.

"I'm right here. I will be here the whole time," he said as he gripped my hand," Go to sleep," he whispered at last and I found myself slipping into that dark abyss once again.


I woke up in what looked like a hospital room. It was bright and every little thing was pristine. Looking around I noticed that I was in the Cullen's make-shift hospital at their house. I sat up and groaned in pain as a dull throbbing emerged in my spine. A firm object touched my back and I shivered at its sudden coldness. The object held me down as I tried to stand.

"You should stay in bed, Raizel," a familiar deep voice stated.

"But Carlisle-," I started, but was cut-off by a different voice.

"Just listen to what the leach has to say."

"Jacob. What are you doing here?" I growled out.

"Making sure that my twin sister is ok." He said as if it was obvious.

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