Chapter 1

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Maybe...... just maybe this could be wrong. But it feels so right.  I wouldn't be able to live with it if he wasn't the one... But maybe he is the one. I know we are young and we haven't even started living life yet, but I could just feel it in my heart. In my soul.

I look over to my left, where he is looking back. I smile, and I fall all over again for his beautiful smile, so full of mystery and wonder.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks me, looking at me with those natural brown puppy dog eyes.

Abraham was 5'5" with sparkly brown eyes that shine brighter than the stars without any city light. He is a bit on the bigger side, and his body leans forward on an angle a bit, as if he is about to run a race. He is a gentleman, and an absolute sweetheart. 

He is one of eight, the oldest male sibling. He has one older sister, three younger sisters, and three brothers. He has his dad, Abraham, and his mom, Dora. The little siblings really like my company, and they think I would go perfect with Abraham, at least that's what I heard.

"I'm thinking about us, about the future we want together." I reply. I'm getting butterflies again, like I always do when I am talking to him. This has to be the right thing to do in life.

"Don't think about us. I know in my heart we will always be together, no matter what." He says.

Well I, on the other hand, don't think much on my appearance. I am 5'0" with light brown eyes in the sun, and dark eyes whenever there is not. I have dark brown wavy hair that reaches up to my mid-back. I also have pink and green braces that I actually like.

My friends call me beautiful, but I never believe them. I have actually gotten into arguments with my friends because I say I am not.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I have no brothers or sisters, I only live with my mother, Juanita.

We've only known each other for months, but it feels like an entire life-time. I trust him with anything and everything and vice-versa. Maybe we are too young, and maybe our parents don't approve of this young love encounter, but I feel right down to my gut that this relationship is the right one.

To be honest, I never really noticed him until a few months back. He's known about me for a year, yet I never paid any attention to him because he was like a shadow. He was only with two or three guys and no one else. But that weekend, that's when I noticed him.

His radiant smile was the first thing that caught my attention. 

Or maybe it was his laugh, when I heard it ring across the dark blue night sky.

A few months ago, I didn't even know him, he wasn't in my life. Now, I can't think of life without him.

"Can I ask you something, Abraham?" I asked him, not wanting to know the answer but at the same time I did.

"Sure, Nat. You know you can ask me anything."

"What did you think of when you first saw me?"

He didn't even take a breath. "I said to myself: She's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I don't more than her name just yet, but she's the one I'm chasing after. She's my one and only girl and love."

I didn't say anything. I let that sink in. He thinks I'm beautiful? I don't think anything about my looks. In fact, I hate them. But he thinks I'm beautiful.

What do I say now?

Don't have to think on how to change the subject.

"What did you think of me?" He says, interrupting my train of thought.

"When I first saw you, I didn't I would fall as hard as I did."

He smiles and says, "Since the first day I saw you, I knew you were the one. I just couldn't get the guts to actually go up to you and talk to you."

"Well, then I guess you better go thank Jasmin." I smirk.

I think back to how Jasmin got  us to actually talk. It was a bet from me, since I didn't think she'd actually do it. I had just met her and I didn't really know her, and she seemed like that type of shy person who wouldn't do anything crazy.

Guess I was wrong. I'm actually quite happy that she wasn't shy. If she was, I would have never even started talking to Abraham. But know, her and I are amazing friends. I don't think I know what I would do with her.

"Yeah , I know. I guess we both owe her." He said sarcastically.

We smile at each other, him grabbing my hand, leading me inside where our family and friends are. Where the girl who made this all happened was at. They were probably wondering where we were. Oops.

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