Chapter 5

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 Abraham P.O.V.

No. This can't be happening. Natalia did not move. She did not leave me. Her mom didn't force her to go anywhere she didn't want to go, because her mom isn't like that. I will see Natalia this afternoon, like I do every Wednesday. I will be able to hold her like I always do. I will be able to see her eyes light up whenever she sees me, or hear her beautiful, amazing laugh when Jasmin says something really cheesy. I'll be able to feel her heartbeat on my chest when I hug her. I will feel her breathing steadily when I hold her tight. I'll be able to see her lose focus as she concentrates on something that someone was told her. I'll be able to see her do everything she's done before.

I see Jasmins' name pop up on my screen. I open the message. Her name never gets old.

  From: Caca PeePee Face

Hey how you holding up?

Dang. I was hoping she would confirm that Natalia is still here.

To: Caca PeePee Face

I'm holding up fine. I just miss her so much. I want to hold her again.

It sounds like she died instead of moving.

From: Caca PeePee Face

Don't worry. There's nothing we can do about it. It's life, you know?

This seriously sounds like she died. I can't  be thinking that. Not at this point in my life, when I miss her like a fat man misses bacon.

To: Caca PeePee Face

Stop making me feel sad :(

From: Caca PeePee Face

Boy I got you still for that freaking ice incident.

I can't help but to start laughing. I threw a cup of ice down her shit when she wasn't paying attention.

To: Caca PeePee  Face

I'd like to see you try.

After thirty minutes of her not answering, I got really worried. If Jasmin doesn't answer, she's usually up to something. And it's kind of scaring me, especially because Jasmin knows where I live. I hear a knocking on my window.  I look outside, and I see nothing.

I put my head out of the window and look around. No sign of Jasmin, which is weird. All of a sudden, I hear Jasmins' obnoxious laughter from behind the bushes. I quickly out my head back inside my room, but it is too late. Jasmin threw a cup of freezing ice cold water in my face. She got me back. I can't believe that she actually got me back, with water in a cup what is made for trips.

"Still Didn't think I'll get you back, Potato?" She says and she tries to stop laughing. She is laughing so uncontrollably that she almost dies of laughter.

"Watch, Caca PeePee Face. I'm going to get you back. This war!" I yell back.

"Boy I didn't come to argue with you! I came to try to get your butt to go with me to visit Natalia!"

Wait did she just say Natalia?!

"You know where her new house is?" I ask her.

"Of course." She sneers. "What kind of stalker would I be if I couldn't find out her new address?"

I start to laugh. Leave it to Jasmin to find something out that no one else knows.

"Stalker, Ms. Caca Peepee Face." I say.

"Boy let's devise a plan. How mush money do you have?"

"Uhm. like $670 . I've been saving up for a drum det."

"Well, it's not to buy a drum set anymore. It's to go visit Natalia."

"What? I've been saving up for almost a year!"

"Does it look like I care? NO. Now go get your money."

I go get my moment from the place under the rug by my bed. I can't believe she's making me  waste all my money. I'm pretty sure she has her own money to go, too. But of course, she's the type of girl that thinks I should pay for it since Natalia is my girlfriend, according to her.

"Hurry up! The bus is going to leave already!"

The bus?

"Girl what you talking about a bus for?" I yell out the window, I notice she's still laying down by the bushes.

"Duh! She lives in Indianapolis , you poop face."

Jasmin is making me go to Indianapolis to visit here? Will she seriously make me do that? I mean , I know Jasmin is like a die-hard romantic, but would she really go that far?

"Ok then, I guess let's go."

"Boy get you bag of crap though! You need clothes and everything!"

I take another five minutes to try to pack everything. I ended up just taking like five tee shirts, and I just took the pair of shorts I was wearing. I just took the tee shirts, some extra under garments, and socks, and then I jumped out the window .

I land badly on my right leg. I was still able to stand up, but I could tell that I sprained my ankle.

"Dude like hurry up with your girly-self!" Jasmin yells from the other side of the street. "The bus stations is going to be there in like five minutes and it is five blocks away."

I run over to where she's at, and she throws yet another cup of ice cold water into my face. This girl is the most childish person I know. Although she is rude, obnoxious , poop, and a weirdo, she is also nice, funny, caring, and weird.

Although I might have second thoughts of sneaking out and going to see Natalia with her.

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