Chapter 3

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I stood silent for the rest of the ride home. So did my mom. I hated this. Why did we have to move? Why did she have to take me away from my friends, my school , my church, and most importantly, him. I didn't understand what was so horrible about him and I.

As Jasmin had stated, 'Young love is the most beautiful thing that anyone can encounter. It just takes the right two people that want to be together to ignore all the rude comments of everyone else.'

Goodness. I'm going to miss her cheesy times and her wise words of wisdom. She was probably one of the craziest, loudest, and amazing girl I have ever met.

And I will never see her again.

We were about five minutes away from home when my mom broke the silence.

"You know, this is for your own good." She states, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I look at her, with longing in my eyes. "No. It's not for my own good. You just don't want me to be happy. " I just couldn't shake the feeling that this was the right reason. I felt it deep down in my heart. She didn't want me to be happy.

"Natalia! Don't you ever say that! Of course I want you to be happy!"

"Then let's stay!" I look at her, pleadingly.

"Nat, you have to understand why. I can't tell you why now, but you will find out why. Just please, don't make this harder than it already is."

"Oh I understand why." I mumble. She didn't hear me.

We pull up to the drive through at our house. Our old house. I start to choke up with my tears. This is one of the last times I step foot by this house. This is the last time I know for sure I'm staying in my room.

I can't stand it. At all.

My mom opens the door. I can see that most of the things are packed up already. I look at her with a questioning look.

"I had some relatives come pack for a few hours.  So it wouldn't be so hard. But I told them to leave your room untouched, so you could pack up anything you want and throw out anything you don't."

I nod silently and walk up the stairs to my room. It's exactly how I left it, and it's the last time I get to see it like this.

I close the door and I just stand there for a minute, letting it all sink in. I feel the tears welling up in my eyes, and I run to my bed, jumping into the warmth and the comfort of the covers. The tears spill out.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I check to see who would text me at a time like this. I smile to see that it was Jasmin's name that popped up on the screen. I open it up and I couldn't help but to laugh.

From: Jasmin <3

Want me to go 'help you pack'? I have a basement and a room the no one goes into.

Leave it so Jasmin to devise a plan for me staying. I wonder what she would say if I said sure. I decided to try it out.

To: Jasmin <3

Sure! Come on over! Help me more my stuff. Are you bringing a car?

I wait a few minutes at first, but then I start getting worried when she takes up to half an hour to reply. I started messing around with some of the things in my room to keep myself from worrying about her.

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