Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Natalia Cortez

This is it. Today is the big day that I haven't been waiting for.

It's the day I leave my friends, and him.

It's the day I see my entire future shatter in my hands.

I still don't understand why my mom is doing this to me.

She's ruining the life I had planned with Abraham, just because she thinks it is too unhealthy. Just because she thinks we're too young for love.

She thinks that she is making my life better, when in reality she is just making this so much worse.

I don't want to leave them. They are basically like my other half.

My mom speaks up. "I know that you probably hate me right now, but you will thank me for it later. "

I look at her, not wanting to show the sadness in my eyes. "Of course, because everything you do is for my own good. I just never understand why you would do this to me if it makes me happy."

She sighs. "This is for your own, good. You're going to under stand one day, but it will most likely not be today.

"But I want to understand now!" I start whining, wanting to know why she's doing this to me.

"Natalia! Stop whining? I did this because I wanted to, so just stop bothering me already!

After that, I stood quiet for the rest of the way to our new house. My mom didn't tell me how far the new house was going to be, but it seems like we've been driving for hours.

I check my phone. It has been a few hours.

"Why is the new house so far away?" I ask my mom.

"I can't have you sneaking around to see Abraham in the night, or him coming to see you." She says plaintively.

She thinks I'll sneak out? Are you serious?

"When have I ever snuck out of the house or even attempted doing so?"

"Natalia, you are about to be a teenager, I can't trust you with your hormones flying around."

Did she just blame my teenage hormones?

"Mom! Why would you blame my hormones! Jasmin is fourteen and she isn't hormonal!"

"She gets excited when she sees five boys singing boys that she would probably never even meet face-to-face."

"Mom, that isn't hormonal. It's just that she has a lot of energy and she takes it out by fan-girling over One Direction."

"Yeah, I blame it all on the hormones."

"She is an amazing person who understands me and can make me laugh no matter what."

"Yeah, I always hear her laughing. She was there yesterday, right?"

How did she know?

"Uhm... no?"

"Don't lie, I heard her laugh yesterday. And that isn't the only time."

Crap. She knows about all those other times?

"Uhm......" I have no idea what to say now.

"Don't worry. She's an amazing girl. And I know that she comes over if either of you guys need to talk. I just want you to tell me whether or not she's there."

"I just thought if I told you, you would kick her out." I state, looking at the ground. If Jasmin were here, she would've yelled "You Don't know you're beautiful" in my face. She is just that amazing, and crazy.

"Why would I do that? I know how close you guys are, she's like your sister. I wouldn't do that to either of you."

"Then why did we move?"

She replied with, "We're here."

I look up. The house was a moderate two story building, probably with a basement. It had white panels, and the door was a caramel color with swirls of a dark brown. It was five stairs made of cement leading up to the door. It had an eerie look, with ivy and weeds growing around it.

Inside, on the other hand, was absolutely stunning. The walls were painted like we were outside, with green on the bottom, the grass, poking up, and the blue and white, the clouds and sky, were everywhere else. It must've taken someone hours to paint it the way that they did. It was just absolutely stunning. The stair cases that lead up where painted white with black polka-dots.  The banners were white also, with a ribbon of black from top to bottom. The ceiling had a low chandler.

I go upstairs. There is one hallway with three doors. I go to the middle one first. It ended up being the bathroom.

I closed the door and went to open the door in the left.

This was a bed room. It was a probably the room of a little child, since it was a robin egg blue and had little Looney Tunes stickers. There was a window what was smack down in the middle of the wall, and the closet on the same wall that the door was on. I slide open the closet door, and it was a humongous walk-in closet. 

I didn't even have to look at the other room when I fell in love with this one.

"Mom! I call this one!" I yell out of the door.

"Good! Because I've had my eye on the other one for a while!" She called from the other end of the hall. 

Might as well making the best of this beginning, right?

No. Scratch that. I'm making the best of this ending.

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