Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey guys I've decided to make this story into 3 Point of Views :)

Jasmin P.O.V.

Ugh I swear this boy is like super slow. I've already made it to the bus stop and back in about one minute and he still needs one block to go.

"Potato! Would you hurry up? We have..." I check my phone. "Three minutes and thirty seconds to go!"

Potato is what I call Abraham. I have no idea why.

"And what happens if we don't make it?" He asks, already out of breath.

"We would have to wait three hours, because the next bus comes at five, and by then your parents or one of your siblings would probably notice that you're gone. "

"Oh crap! Why didn't you tell me? I'm over here taking my sweet time!" He started running a little faster.

We had two more blocks to go to get to the bus station, with one minute and thirty seconds to go. I was about to yell something at him, but then he tripped over something.

"Hahahahahahahaha!" I can't stop laughing at him. He looks up at me from his place on the ground half a block away from me.

"What's so funny, Caca Peepee Face?" He asks with a bit of anger in his tone.

"Oh... Nothing..." I was still laughing super hard. "It's... Just... That... You fell." I burst out into more laughter as I say it.

"Oh really?" He gets up from his place on the ground and starts to chase me. He had something in his hand.

Crap, I thought to myself. He probably has a bug or something. I am terrified of bugs. Any type of bug or incent sends shivers down my spine.

We managed to get to the bus station. This wasn't like some crappy bus station that is transparent on the corner of the street. You had to actually go inside the building and buy your tickets. I check the time. We had thirty seconds left.

I run in before he has the time to catch up with me.

"Jasmin! Open the door!" He yells. Normally I would've let him out there for a while, but this is a life and death situation. Well, not really but I get over dramatic sometimes.

"It's about time you get here!" I tell him.

"whatever. Let's go get the tickets." He stated plaintively.

We ran to the ticket window majigger (Yeah man, my grammar is so awesome, right?) and ask for two tickets for the bus headed to Indianapolis.

"I'm sorry, but according to our clock, the bus has left about ten seconds ago.

"What?" I ask. "This isn't possible." The bus was there like literally two seconds ago!"

I'm sorry ma'am, but-" We hear an engine roar to life.

Not just any engine, it was a freaking bus engine. My temper gave out right about then.

"Oh really? The bus left already right? WE STILL COULD"VE GOTTEN ON THAT FREAKING BUS WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! THIS IS A LIFE AND DEATH SITUATION AND NOW LOOK WHAT HAPPENED! I SHOULD-" I couldn't say anything else because Potato put his hand over my mouth.

I heard him apologizing to the rude lady who ruined the chance of them being together again.

"She has quite a temper. I'm ma'am." Potato said.

"It's fine." The rude lady behind the glass said. "But I was about to call security on her."

"Security my butt... my doesn't she come out herself..." I mumble to myself. I was pretty sure no one had heard me but Potato started laughing. He dragged me to the chairs to sit down, and also so my temper could cool off.

"What was that all about, Caca Peepee face?" He asks. I look at him. If looks could kill, he probably would've been having like a spasm or something right now.

My thoughts are lovely, aren't they?

"She got on my nerves. We could've been on that bus right now if it weren't for her tacky self." I reply.

"Well, I mean, why is this so important to you?" He asks.

I let out a sigh. "Well, because, I see how you guys look at each other. I know you guys have a connection. You guys have a love that hardly anyone could see. I know that you guys are meant for each other. And since you guys have that connection, I don't want anyone ruining it. Like, me and my ex. I thought it was love, and it wasn't. But I know you guys are different." I tell him.

It was the first time I've ever brought up my ex since the break-up. Potato was one of the only people I told, too.

"Oh... So you don't want us to end up like you and him?" He asks, his voice taking a softer tone.

"It's not that... It's the fact that you guys fit together so perfectly, and I don't want that to go to waste." I tell him. Goodness. I've been becoming really emotional the past few months. What in the world was wrong with me?

"Jasmin it's okay I understand that you just want the-"

My phone starts to ring.

I look down at my screen. "Potato! It's your sister!"

"What? Well answer the phone and see what she wants!"

I put my incredibly amazing acting skills to work once I answered.

"Hello?" I ask. 

"Jasmin! Have you seen Abraham? I went up to his room to go tell him that it was his turn for the chores and I can't find him anywhere!"

"Potato is missing?" I mocked fake shock.

"Yes! So you haven't seen him?"

"No. If I had seen him, I would've told you!"

"Well if you have any news, contact me. I'm headed over to the bus station right now to see if Abraham is there."

"What? Why would he be at the bus station?" I ask nervously. Potatoes head shoots right up at the mention of the bus station.

"He might've went to see Natalia. I'll call you right back."

"Okay." I hang up.

"Jasmin, what was that all about?" Potato asks me.

"Your sister is coming over here to see if you are waiting for a bus."

"Are you serious?" I nod my head. "Well, I guess I won't be seeing Natalia any time soon..."

"Not if I have anything to do with it. Now get off your lazy butt and move!"

I took him out the back, where the buses usually load.

"I have a GPS on my phone. We're going to walk there.

"Jasmin, you're joking, right?"

In reply, I start walking South East to Indianapolis, just as my compass said.

Potato was going to see Nat one way or the other.

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