Chapter 2: Assignment

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I hesitantly knocked on Caleb's office door. 

My heart was pumping in my chest- this meeting could either be really good thing, or a really bad thing. I knew Robbie had a good thing in store for him, the email had said so, but I was so scared about what Caleb wanted me to do. 

"Come in!" a deep voice chimed from within the small office confines. I gulped, shook myself to get over the nerves, and thought to myself. 

I am Koti Tomlinson, 110% confident and outrageous.

I opened the door and came face to face with Caleb. He is truly, what one would define as a hipster. Silvery white dyed hair, with a brown beard, wide-brimmed glasses and a septum piercing, he is gorgeous in a really alternative way. He sat behind his desk, smiling at me, a folded down macbook sitting in front of him, with a manila folder next to it. 

"Morning Koti," he chirped happily. "How are you?" 

"Good thanks Caleb," I replied. "You?" 

He laughed, and I blushed, "Oh I'm just fine." 

I took a seat opposite him, and crossed my fingers for an assignment. 

"Now, I have something very special for you," he said seriously. I bit the inside of my cheek hopefully. "I needed someone to do this job, and I was looking through all my colleagues files, trying to find someone to create an incredible two page story in next weeks paper about the reality of being famous." 

I narrowed my eyes- I could see where this was going. 

"Now, don't look at me like that," he said sternly. "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You're a very valuable asset to this team, and sometimes personal boundaries need to be broken if you want to make it as a reporter." 

I felt so torn- on one side, I wanted to impress Caleb because he's so high up in the world of journalism. But on the other, I knew he would ask me to interview my brother and/or his bandmates- and I did not want to have to do that, especially with the media so close of my tail because of me working where I am. 

My head told me the smart thing to do would be to take the job, but I know that I make the best decisions when I follow my heart. 

"No," I stated. 

Caleb raised an eyebrow, "I'm sorry what?" 

"No," I said again. "I won't do that. I know you're asking me to interview my brother, and the answer is no. I won't breach the trust that we have." 

"I don't understand Koti," Caleb sighed. "You're always moaning about not getting assignments- well here is one for you." 

"And it is the wrong one for me," I explained. "I couldn't do that to Lou. I know it's just an interview, about a very basic subject, but I draw the line before then." 

"I guess we have a problem then," Caleb suddenly turned serious, and slightly angry. His bubbly facade dissipated into a thin cloud of annoyance. "Because you're an excellent writer, we were going to promote you to the entertainment column- we've already got someone to replace you." 

I narrowed my eyes at the slow revelation of a truly wicked man. I couldn't believe I'd had a crush on him. 

"Guess you don't need me then," I snapped. "I quit." 

I pushed the chair back and walked out of Caleb's office, and collected my things from my tiny shoebox. 

I strutted out of the building, handed back my ID card, and stormed out the revolving doors. 

I proceeded to walk home- it was early, only 10am, and already I had managed to quit another job, albeit after 2 years. I bought myself a celebratory coffee, and meandered back to the apartment. 

Reality slowly hit me. 

I have no job- no steady income to raise my sisters, and nothing to do with my life. 

I shook my head. 

No negativity here Koti, it's only upwards from this point in your life, I thought to myself.

When I reached my home, I walked through reception, up the stairs and unlocked the apartment. Nobody was home, so I took my phone and called Louis. He answered as I flopped onto the couch. 


"Hey Louis, it's Koti." 

"Oh hey sis, what's up?" 

"I quit the internship," I revealed. 

"You what?!" Louis exclaimed.

"I quit because they wanted me to be the entertainment columnist." 

"How is that a bad thing?" 

"In order to secure the job, I had to interview you on what the struggles of being famous were." 

"Koti, I would have done it, you know that," Louis said, sounding slightly disappointed. 

"Regardless of whether you would or not, it was something I didn't want to have to do," I explained. "It would have been a terrible way for me to enter into this career." 

"I understand that Koti," Louis said sympathetically. "But what are you going to do now?" 

"I have no idea." 

"Maybe look something up on the internet?" 

"Do you know of any jobs?" I asked. 

"No... not at the moment," Louis admitted. "Can you call anybody? What about Lilli?" 

I took in a sharp breath- Lilli was the only person I still kept in contact with from Bondi. 

"I'll try it." 

"Cool, call me if anything happens." 

"I will, bye Lou," We hung up, and I ran my hands through my hair. 

Why do I always have to throw myself into situations that are so difficult to handle?!

I jumped into bed, and curled up with my laptop and my phone, and prepared to call Lilli.

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