Chapter 5: Argument

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My nerves for the introductory meeting were put aside when I got home, and my whole family was assembled in the kitchen. 

Louis had gone and picked up Lottie and Fizzy and we all enjoyed our traditional 'Yay Louis' Back' movie night.

New nerves replaced the old ones, because I had to tell my family that I would be going away for two weeks- the trouble being, Louis would be looking after the girls on his own. 

After a few movies, I stood up. 

"Guys, I have something I need to tell you," I announced.

"You're gay," Louis yelled out. I rolled my eyes. 

"No," I retorted, then sighed. "It's regarding my job." 

"Didn't you quit?" Fizzy asked. 

"I did." 

"Wait then it's not your job anymore right?" Lottie asked, really confused. 

"No it's not." 

"Then what's the news?" Louis piped up. 

"Well, I went in for an interview yesterday," I began hesitantly. 

"The one you texted me about?" Louis inquired. 

"Yes," I answered irritably. "Can I finish without getting interrupted?" 

"Sorry," everybody murmured. 

"I went in for an interview yesterday about a job as a travelling journalist," I explained. "I got the job-" 

"WOOOO!" My family cheered for me. I laughed, and continued on. 

"But, my first assignment starts on Saturday." 

"Why did that begin with a 'but'?" Lottie asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. 

"Think about it Lottie- Koti is a travelling journalist..." Fizzy condescended. Lottie shot a look at her sister, but then it dawned on her. 

"You're going away?" 

I nodded. "Yeh- my assignment means that I'll be in Hawaii for two weeks as of Saturday," I explained further. 

Louis stayed silent throughout this whole revelation, and I could see the facts churning through his head like gears, until it all clicked. 

"Wait, so does that mean I'll be looking after these two by myself?" He asked, sounding a little bit nervous. 

"We don't need looking after!" Fizzy exclaimed. "We survived for years whilst Koti was on her hiatus." 

"But we had Mum Fizz," Lottie pointed out sadly. 

Fizzy's face fell. "Right." 

"I know it's not ideal-" 

"That's correct," Lottie snapped. I looked at her shocked. 


"It's not ideal at all Koti," she said, crossing her arms. "We kinda need you to be here. Louis leave again soon, and it won't be family time without you." 

I knew how much family meant to Lottie, and how she got really annoyed having a famous brother and hated the attention that we got sometimes, but it was just how we had, pretty much, always lived. I didn't understand why she couldn't be happy for me. 

"Lottie," Louis said, warning her to shut up. 

"No," she stood up defiantly. "I've been denied the pleasure of being around both of my older siblings for too long because of your stupid music career," she pointed haughtily at Louis. "And your ridiculous emotions," she shot an accusing look towards me. "I'm sick of not being able to have a normal relationship with either of you! You're always off doing some kick-ass stuff, and Fizz and I are always left here, alone." 

"Lottie, this is just how we have to live. We make it work the best that we can, whether you like it or not. Koti and I are both adults, and whilst we are your legal guardians, the world doesn't revolve around you. This is a fantastic opportunity that has come across Koti and you're being a shitty sister for not being happy for her," Louis shot back angrily. 

Lottie looked at me guiltily. "Sorry Koti," she mumbled. 

"Don't worry," I sighed. "I'm just gonna go to bed." 

I ignored how much my heart had shattered at my little sisters words, and stumbled off to bed so that I could mentally prepare myself for my introduction, and then my flight out. 

I closed my bedroom door and changed into my pyjamas, cursing my younger self's decision making. Of course, I hadn't realized at the time of running away, how much of an effect it had on my siblings and their opinions of me in our later life. 

As I lay down under my blankets, there was a little knock on my door. 

"Can I come in?" Fizzy's little voice called. 

"Yeh," I replied. I held nothing against her.

She quietly walked into my room and lay down next to me. I instinctively put my arm around the petite 15 year old, and held her closely. I always forget how much Fizzy hates family arguments, how much of a peace maker she is. This one must have hurt, because I know she feels the same way as Lottie despite how much she would deny it. 

"For the record, I think you'll kick butt over in Hawaii," she said. 

I chuckled, and kissed her forehead. "Thanks Fizz," I replied. 

"I'm gonna sleep here tonight- I feel like you need the moral support," she informed me. 

"I do," I whispered. 

We both lay there, and slowly fell asleep, as I always kept an arm around my favourite sister. 

Hopefully tomorrow would bring around hope that I need for myself for the next two weeks.

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