Chapter 3: Mums & Dads

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"Hello?" Lilli had picked up on the very first ring. She must have been curious as to who it was, considering I now had a British phone number. 

"Hey Lils," I replied. "It's Koti." 

Then she screamed- but not a sad scream, it was a really, really, really happy scream. I laughed, and rolled over onto my side. 

"Oh my god! How are you?!" she asked. 

"I'm great," I responded with a chuckle. "How are you?" 


My eyes widened, and I clamped my hand over my mouth in shock, "He did what?!" I gasped. 

"He asked me to marry him! On a lifeguard rescue board, at the beach! They filmed it and everything!" She informed me happily. 

"Holy shit that's amazing!" I gasped, tears welling in my eyes. "I am so freaking happy for you Lilli!" 

She laughed, "You need to come back for the wedding." 


I didn't know what to say to that- Lilli is so important to me, but could I face going back for the wedding? 

"Just think about it Koti," she said, knowing how I was torn. "Please? For Dean and I?" 

I sighed, "Of course I will." 

"Now, you must have called for something," Lilli said, tucking away the awkward situation, bringing up the important things. "What's up?" 

"I recently quit my internship," I began to explain. "And I need a job in the journalism industry, do you know of anybody or anything?" I asked. 

"Well, you have come to the right person," she replied. My heart began thudding with excitement. "One of the guys I go to pilates with is a sports journalist- I can give you his contact name?" 

"Oh yes! Thankyou so much Lils!" 

I made a mental note to give her a massive bear hug at her wedding. 

She laughed, "No problems Koti. His name is Robert Beardwood, I'll message you his details and have a chat." 

"Thanks so much Lilli! I'll definitely come back for the wedding, talk to you soon!" I said, forever freaking grateful to my amazing friend. 

"Aw!" Lilli said. "Love you girl!" 

We hung up, and my phone pinged with the message from Lilli with Robert's phone number. I got out of bed and did the world craziest happy dance. 




I laughed to myself, and then cracked my fingers- time to get down to business. I copied and pasted the email address that Lilli had sent me, along with a phone number, into my computer, and began to write out a general inquiry. 

Dear Mr Beardwood,

My name is Madeline Tomlinson, and I have aquired your details through a very close friend, recommending that I come to you for jobs regarding sports journalism. 

I can send my resume on reply to this email, 


Madeline. K. Tomlinson

Happy with my email, I sent it off just as the girls got home. I jumped out of bed and opened the apartment door for them. It was just Lottie and her best friend Carlie, because Fizzy was going out. She was probably going to be home later tonight. 

"Hey girls," I greeted them. 

"Hey Koti," Lottie replied. 

"Hi," Carlie greeted with a smile. "How's it going?" 

Carlie is a frequent comer and goer to our home, and we all love her because she accepts Lottie for just being Lottie. 

"How was school?" I asked, as they hung up their coats and sat at the kitchen. I opened the fridge and took out their favourite after school snack- my famous fruit platters. 

"Ugh," grunted Lottie. "Horrible." 

"We have end of year exams soon," Carlie explained. "Nobody wants to do them." 

I grimaced in understanding- I had never been good at school, and I had always hated exams and tests. 

"Yuck," I replied. 

"Yuck's right," Lottie complained. "I'm failing almost every subject." 

Carlie rolled her eyes at her best friend, "No you're not- Mr O'Donnell just said that to make you stop talking in class." 

"Maybe I should call and check up on how you're doing if you're worried," I said to Lottie. She shook her head. 

"Don't bother- they won't tell you anyway," she said, frowning. 

Carlie took a grape, and plopped it in her mouth, "Well if you're worried, I can tutor you." 

Lottie grinned, "Don't you do that already?" 

We all laughed, and my phone rang. I left the girls to check my phone- it was Louis. I felt a bit worried, considering that I'd called earlier that day. 


"Hey Koti, we just got the worst news," Louis sounded pissed off. "We can't come home tonight." 

"Why not?" I asked, frustrated. 

"Simon needs us to do a radio interview tomorrow," he explained. "I'll be home that afternoon." 

"Alright that's not too bad, but please try to be home for when Phoebe and Daisy and Stepdad arrive," I said. "Your early birthday celebrations are non-negotiable." 

"I know, I'll be home, I promise." 

I hung up, and went to deliver the news to Lottie. 

"Who was that?" she asked. 

"Louis," I said. "He's not gonna be home tomorrow." I explained. 

"What?" She frowned. "So we're not gonna have any chill time without the twins?" 

"Yes, that is correct." 

Lottie groaned, "He always does this." 

"I know, he can't help it though." 

"Come on Carlie, let's start that study." 

And with that, they were off into Lottie's room, and I was left standing in the kitchen with some dinner to prepare. 

Ah, the life of an older sister playing mums and dads. 

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