Chapter 6: Beginning

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Saturday came around super quickly. 

The meeting that I had with Mr McHale and my co-worker Jake clarified everything that was needed to be clarified. 

We went through the schedule, covered what we needed to bring, and what was expected of us as representive reporters for Mr McHale's magazine. 

Jake turned out to be a really cool dude- he was laid back, funny, and had a similar sarcastic outlook on life to that of myself. I was feeling pretty excited for this job and it's excellent pay, and for once, the events that took place in Bondi three years ago were thrust out of my head. 

My flight was to leave at midday, and we'd arrive in at Honolulu International Airport at 5pm, local time. 

I woke up early on Saturday morning, knowing I had to get to make sure that I had everything that I needed, before getting Louis to drive me to the airport. Lottie was still asleep, and hadn't apologised for her earlier outburst which made me sad, but Fizzy had gotten up to say goodbye. I felt guilty leaving my family behind for these two weeks, but I knew that I had to take this job to make myself feel better. 

Louis and I seldom spoke during the drive, considering the early hour, but also the fact that I knew he wasn't thrilled about this job. But he knew I needed the experience, and wanted to further my career. He had opinions about it to voice like Lottie did, but cared about my happiness too much. Lou knew that this experience was going to make me happier than what I had been in the last three years, but hated me for taking it. 

Still, being the considerate twin he was, he said nothing to object to my decision to accept the job. 

Upon arriving at the airport, Lou helped me get my things out, and we had a quick goodbye so that he wouldn't get caught by any fans or press. 

"Take care of yourself sis," he said, giving me a warm hug. "Don't get yourself into any trouble." 

"Same to you," I replied. "Seriously though, call me if you guys run into any trouble- I'll be home straight away." 

Louis gave me a grateful smile. "Thanks, I will." 

"Love you," I hugged him one more time. 

"Love you too- now go and write some stuff!" 

Louis ushered me off and I chuckled whilst walking away, wheeling my suitcase behind me and headed towards International Departures. Jake was going to be meeting me at our gate, but I would probably bump into him earlier. I joined the line to check in, and opened up my phone. I had a few messages, two from my younger sisters, and one from Lilli. 

I opened it, excited to hear from my best friend. 

I heard you got the job! Congrats girl x hope all is well, call me when you get to Hawaii... there's some news you'd better here from me before encountering it there. 

I frowned, wondering what news Lilli could possibly have for me. 

Maybe it's about... Jesse. 

I shook my head at my stupid thoughts and shoved that boy to the back of my mind. I need to forget about what happened that long ago, and finally start to move on. I mean, Jake's cute- what if something sparked between us? 

Now that's just stupid, teenage, wishful thinking Koti, I thought to myself. 

I was called up to the counter to check in and drop my bag off. I showed my passport, and if the lady at the desk recognized me, it didn't show. I was glad.

I left my suitcase to be delivered to my flight, and went through security and customs, which took ages. 

Once I finally managed to convince the drug tester that I was not dangerous (I swear, every flight I catch I always get drug tested. I used to think it was the red hair, but now I'm not so sure...), I reached the gate where Jake was waiting for me. 

He stood up and grinned at me. 

"Hey there," he greeted. I smiled back. 

"Hi comrade," I replied. He looked at me puzzled. 


"Yep- it's your new nickname," I explained. "I like to come up with nicknames for people that I think are cool." 

He batted his eyelashes, pretending to flirt with me. "You think I'm cool?" Jake bit his lip, taking the piss of love-struck teenagers. 

I bit my lip in return. "Only the coolest..." 

We both burst out laughing, and took our seats. It was a good thing that Jake was so easy to work with. It was definitely going to make this 15 hour flight much more bearable than I initially thought. 

"Are you excited?" Jake asked me. 

"Yeh, I guess so," I replied. "I'm going to stress about my family and stuff whilst we're away." 

"Family? I thought you were single?" He looked a tad confused. 

"I am," I explained. "I live with my brother and two sisters- it's the first time in a long time only he's going to be looking after them." 

"So you're hoping to come back to a standing house and not a pile of ashes?" 

I smiled at the thought of Louis trying to cook, and came to the conclusion that they'd be ordering take away for the whole time I was away. Really, my cooking skills (or lack thereof) were the only reason that stopped that gross habit. I mean, I'm not as good as what mum used to be, but I did my best to keep my siblings healthy. 

"Hoping and praying to the gods above." 

Jake laughed, and we settled into a comfortable silence, waiting for our plane to board. I picked up a magazine and began to read through it, scoffing at all of the red-carpet reviews and gossip sections. I read a page or two about myself and my apparent love for Harry Styles because of that one time we went to coffee together after Louis got into trouble with the police and I had to bail him out. 

I rolled my eyes at the rumours, and threw the magazine down on the table. I hadn't had a chance to reply to Lilli's message, and although I felt bad, I thought I'd just call her when I arrived in Hawaii. The news couldn't be drastically urgent. 

Our plane finally arrived, and so began the slow process of boarding. Because Jake and I were flying in business class, we got to board first, which meant that I could comfortably shove my stuff in the overhead lockers without having some angry pregnant woman push past me, scoffing because I was in the way. 

Believe me- it's happened before in economy, and it sucks. 

Jesus I sound like a rich snob. 

I took my seat, and switched my phone off and my ipod on. I had at least six hours of music I could listen to whilst I read a book, and hopefully Jake wasn't one of those flyers who liked talking. Thankfully, he got the drift that I didn't like planes, and just before we began to take off, he tapped my hand. 

"Yes?" I turned to face him. 

"Um, I was thinking, if you don't like planes, maybe you would want to hold my hand? I know it sounds weird, but my sister hates them, and it always helped her." 

It was a tad weird, but I was grateful that he was beginning to look out for me, like we were gonna be a great team. So, I took his hand, because it was the polite thing to do. 

Not because I was absolutely desperate to forget a 'fling' I'd had with some gorgeous Australian. 

I held Jake's hand for the first hour of the flight, whilst my body adjusted to being in the air. Then I gradually fell into the rhythm of losing myself in words of my book, excited for the flight to end. 

Guys! Thanks for reading, keep commenting and voting if you like this sequel! xx

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