Chapter 10: Fight

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I'm trying to sleep fuck-face. 

"Koti, we need to get started!" 

My head is very sore, please be much quieter. 


Suddenly, a steady stream of water made my whole body wet- I opened my eyes and gasped in the very, very cold liquid. Jake stood over me, a bucket in hand, and not a very happy face. 

"I'm awake!" I gasped, rolling off the bed. I stumbled about, my head spinning, searching for my professional clothes. 

"Koti calm down," Jake tried to reassure me. "We just need to go to breakfast." 

I began stripping off my pyjamas, but then realized what I was doing. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and assessed this strange situation. Jake was standing in my hotel room, shirtless, holding a bright pink bucket. I was semi-naked, my hair looked horrible (upon quick observation in the mirror) and I was very blank as to what happened after my first cocktail last night. 

"What?" I asked stupidly. 

"We only need to go to breakfast," Jake repeated. 

I blinked at him, once, then twice, and slowly formed conscious thought, "You woke me up from my deep slumber-" I glanced at the alarm clock to double check the time. "-AT 7:30 IN THE MORNING, FOR BREAKFAST?" I flinched at the decibel level my voice reached. Why is it still thumping? 

"Um, yes?" 

"Why?" I demanded. 

"Because you're extremely hungover, and need comfort food?" Jake was very unfamiliar with my hungover morning self.

I started visualizing hash browns, and eggs, and bacon.... 

Mm, bacon.... 

"Wait," I shook my head and groaned. "That's a good idea." 

Jake laughed, and I began to pull on a hoodie over my singlet, deciding to leave my pajama shorts on, and slipped my feet into a pair of thongs. 

"So what happened last night?" I asked. 

Jake and I headed for the door, and he chuckled, "You got very drunk." 

"I figured that myself genius," I said, exasperated. "What did I do?" 

Jake laughed again, and I blushed. This cannot be good. 

"You're a weird drunk," he began and I locked my door. "You say weird stuff." 

"What was I talking about?" 

"You kept going on about some guy." 

Uh oh. 

"Some guy eh?" I said nervously. 

"Yeh- his name was, um I forget... something like Jesse?" Jake smirked- stupid dickhead. I blushed, and Jake laughed again, "You kept crying about him too," his face fell, looking at me concerned as we got into the lift. 

"Yeh... I figured that would happen," I admitted. 


"I... I used to really like him, and I fucked it up..." 

"Oh wow," Jake seemed shocked. Maybe he thought I had been incapable of love- am I that harsh? 

"And now he's here," I stated blandly. 

"Here? As in, Hawaii here?" Jake was super shocked now. The lift arrived at the restaurant floor from last night. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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