Chapter 9: Drink

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I did have to go to that dinner tonight- I had to go with Jake and Jason, but I was so shaken up after what had just happened, I honestly didn't know if I was in the right mind set for anything. 

I decided to head up to my room, hopefully, Jason would have had everything ready for me now. I needed a bath before dinner, because I felt so gross after the flight and then seeing... 


seeing him

I unlocked my door, and like I had wished, my suitcase was sitting next to the bed. The room was basic, but included a massive bath and a kitchenette, oh and free WiFi because I'm here on business, so I unzipped my suitcase, took out a nice dress for dinner tonight, and started running the bath. I pulled on a pair of red bikinis, and lay out the dress on the bed. I put my toiletry bag in the bathroom, and didn't bother closing the door. Nobody else was living here. 

I lay back and soaked in the bath for about an hour, listening to music and trying to forget about seeing Jesse, and the insults he had thrown at me.

After I bathed, I got out and started getting ready for dinner, which was at 7. That meant I had an hour to do my makeup and hair- perfect. 

I didn't know whether Jesse would be there, but I knew Jake would be there, and I kinda wanted to wow him. The dress was baby pink and lacy, with a tie that pulled the waist in. It looked gross on my pale British skin, so I applied a rushed layer of fake tan, somehow managing to get it streak-less and perfect. 

I admired my work, and pulled on the dress, then applying my makeup. I did my basic look, with some winged eyeliner- which Lottie had helped me get awesome at- to give it a nicer feel. 

After I was done getting ready, I still had about ten minutes to kill

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After I was done getting ready, I still had about ten minutes to kill. I couldn't help but start thinking about Jesse and Kerrbox. Kerrbox had been so nice, but Jesse, he... he had almost hit me. 

Hit me. 

He was that mad that I left him without saying goodbye, without any reasonable explanation, that he would have hit me, if his morals weren't as amazing as they are. 

I sighed. I needed to talk to someone about this, but I couldn't plague Jake with it- we'd pretty much only just met. 

The ache in my heart at seeing this boy again thought, but incredible. I never thought I had truly loved Jesse, simply because I knew I was one of those girls who loved having crushes, and having boys chase after me, despite initial impressions that I normally make. But I had loved Jesse- I still do love him- and I know this now. 

He looked great.... 

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. The ID on the screen showed me that Jake was calling. I picked up the phone. 


"Hey Koti, it's Jake," he replied. "I'm outside your hotel room, if you wanna head down to dinner now?" 

I chuckled, "Of course. I'll be out in one sec." 

I hung up, and checked my appearance again. Perfect. 

I grabbed a clutch, and put my phone and some money into it, before slipping on a pair of brown lace up sandals and opening the door. 

Jake wore a white shirt, which was slightly see-through, and he had a pair of denim jeans on. How he was wearing jeans in this heat, I do not know, but he pulled off the look really well. 

"Hey," I greeted. He smiled, and didn't even check me out. 

Consider that the friend-zone Koti, I thought to myself. Oh well. 

 "Hi there," Jake replied. "Ready?" 


We began to walk down the corridor, making mindless small-talk. My brain was STILL preoccupied with earlier events, but I tried to tell those thoughts to bugger off. 

"How was the beach?" Jake asked. 

Really not helping my case Jake, I thought before replying. "Pretty good actually- the water is so clear." 

"We'll have to go and check it out after work tomorrow," Jake said thoughtfully. My prospects of this trip brightened when I thought of getting back in the surf. 

"Oh yeh! We should rent surfboards as well... there should be somewhere around here," I addded excitedly. 

"You surf?" 

"I used to- quite well actually," I admitted. "Not much chance to do any of it in England anymore though." 

Jake laughed, "Unless you wanna freeze your tits off, that is." 

I laughed as well, and as we approached the restaurant, I spotted Jason, and his big afro of hair. 

"There's Jason," I waved at him, and he grinned. 

"Come on you two- they're about to start serving!" 

We all rushed in and sat down at our table for three. The welcome dinner tonight consisted of plenty of seafood- there were prawns, flakes of fish, scallops, lobsters, the whole kit and caboodle. I helped myself to plenty of prawns and some potato salad, and Jason kindly poured me a glass of wine. Just what I need. 

As we began to eat, Jason began to explain to us what was expected on this trip, "Every day, the magazine will need a new report about the results, etc. You guys can sort out between you who does what part, or you can alternate. There is an interview itinerary starting tomorrow, and a beach party tonight so that you journos can snuggle up to the surfers," he added. "Don't get too pissed." 

We all laughed, but I thought about it- alcohol might be an excellent way to forget about today. Of course, Jesse wouldn't be there. I doubt he's competing. 

"Maybe we should skip the party then," Jake suggested. 


"Because, we gotta be in tip-top shape for tomorrow." 

Jason handed us each a piece of paper, "These are your interview schedules for tomorrow. Make sure you adhere to them- tomorrow is purely a press day, any other interviews you want, you gotta organise yourselves." 

We nodded in understanding, and I saw the logic in what Jake was saying. Tomorrow was gonna be super hectic, just from glancing at the schedule. I tucked the paper into my clutch. 

We finished eating, and I had another two glasses of wine. I had a pleasant buzz happening, that was enough to assist me in casting off seeing Jesse as unimportant, and Jake and I decided to head on up to bed. 

We silently walked up to our adjacent rooms, and as I was unlocking mine, the wine in me felt frisky. 

"Wanna come chill for a bit? Maybe have a few more drinks?" I asked. 

Jake laughed, although he was undoubtedly serious about this job, he wasn't going to object to some fun. 

"Of course I would," he admitted. 

We walked into my room, and I walked to the mini-bar. All expenses were on the magazine for this one- I opened a few ciders, and then hunted around for some vodka. There was none, duh, but you could order cocktails from the room service menu. 

"Cheers to a lucky first day," Jake toasted. I laughed and we clinked glasses before downing the drinks. 

Cheers to a lasting memory, I thought to myself sadly. 



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