Chapter 8: Double What?!

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Kerrbox stood before me in absolute shock. 

And that's saying something- I was bloody gobsmacked. 

How the hell we he standing in front of me?! 

"W-What?!" I gasped again. 

"I could say the same for you," Kerrbox smiled then, and came forward to hug me. I took a step back. 

"Woah," I said warningly. 

"Koti, I'm not Taco, or Jesse. There was never any beef between us," he reminded me.

I considered for a second. What Kerrbox said was true, but did I want to welcome a Bondi lifeguard back into my life, possibly welcoming the ones I left the country for back. It couldn't hurt, Kerrbox was a lovely man- he'd always been so nice to me, so friendly. 

Come on Koti, I thought. Live a little. You haven't lived for three years, and it was these aussie guys that made you feel the most alive.

"Sorry," I apologized, and welcomed his hug. 

"Don't apologize," he chuckled. "How have you been?" 

"Good I guess," I replied. 

Kerrbox raised an eyebrow. "You guess?" 

"It's been three years," I admitted. "A lot has happened..." 

"Um, romantically?"

I shook my head, thinking back to my little, desperate crushes I had to get over Jesse. "No." 

"Then what has happened? Actually no, scratch that. Why are you here Koti?" 

"I'm working," I said simply. Kerrbox gave me a puzzled look. 

"Working?" He asked. 

"As a journalist- myself and my coworker are here on behalf of a sporting magazine doing interviews for the pro comp," I explained. 

Kerrbox's eyes widened. "You're a journalist?" 

I shrugged- "Like I said, a lot has happened." 

"Seemingly so," he said lightly. 

I chuckled. 

"Do you wanna get dinner?" He asked suddenly. "To catch up? I can fill you in on the Bondi goss..." Kerrbox winked at me, and I laughed, but my heart jumped. I told myself I didn't want anything to do with Bondi, but in reality, I was dying to hear what had happened in the last three years. 

Did Jesse have a girlfriend? 

I shook those thoughts from my head. 

"I don't know..." I approached the situation apprehensively.

"Please?" Kerrbox asked. 

I was about to open my mouth again to respond, when another voice appeared out of nowhere. 


"Mate where are you?" 

I recognised those voices, and apparently Kerrbox did too.

"Uhh...." Kerrbox didn't know whether to reply or not. I started to walk off, when the people who had been looking for Kerrbox, were standing directly in front of me. 

I took in his appearance- the mop of brown hair, his slightly short stature, and cool, surprised ocean blue eyes. 

"Jesse..." I breathed. 

Jesse took in my appearance, his eyes running up and down my pale body, as if seeing me for the first time. His eyes conveyed a number of conflicting emotions- adoration, shock, disgust, devotion, sadness, and finally settling on absolute hatred. 

"What are you doing here?" He practically snarled. 

"I..I" I stammered, unsure of what to say or do in the presence of the boy I loved, but whose heart I shattered. 

"I said, what are you doing here?!!!!" Jesse raised his voice, and the man behind him tried to reason with him. "Fuck off," Jesse shot back at him. The guy stepped away. 

"I...." I couldn't speak. My tongue was tied. 

"You useless bitch," He swore at me, angrily. "You heart-breaking piece of shit!" He suddenly raised his hand, menacingly. I shrunk back down, sheltering myself from what looked like a slap. 

But Jesse couldn't do it. 

His hand lowered slowly, and he turned on his heel and stormed off. 

I bit my lip, not facing Kerrbox. 

"It was uh, nice seeing you," I muttered, before sprinting off in the opposite direction to cry my eyes out.

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