Chapter 4: Hired

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The next morning, I woke up ready to face a day where I didn't have to go to work. 

The girls headed off to school, and I was left sitting at the dining room table writing sample essays and articles, also attempting to start a novel. 

I groaned, frustrated, as the words would not come out of my brain- I couldn't piece anything together, nor create something awesome, and it sucked. 

I texted Louis, asking for advice, but received no reply.

He was probably off doing that fancy interview that meant he couldn't come home today and be a good big brother- not that he wasn't already, I just wanted him to be home for the girls. 

Ugh, I thought to myself, I sound like a desperate mother.

At about lunchtime, I got really annoyed with myself and quit writing the novel, which was turning out horribly. I logged into my gmail to see if I had a reply from the Mr Beardwood fellow that Lilli had recommended I contact.

Luckily, there was a reply from him. 

Miss Tomlinson, 

You are in luck- Lilli spoke to me and I was able to contact a good friend in London for you. Please make your way down to his office at 2pm at the address listed below today, and he shall discuss employment options with you. 


Robert Beardwood.

I screamed happily, and did my happy dance around the apartment. 


I texted Louis, and hurriedly ran to dress in some decent clothes for the interview. I pulled on a pair of black pants, and a beige coloured knit, with a long black coat to keep warm. I brushed my hair, and applied a small amount of makeup before grabbing my good sample essays, and practically running out the door. 

I got down the ground floor of the apartment building, and there were a shit ton of paparazzi waiting- they must have thought Louis was coming home today. 

I hope they didn't catch Lottie and Fizzy on their way to school! Poor girls, I'll have to ask just in case. They've had some scarring moments and experiences with the stupid photographers. 

Gemma the receptionist looked at me apologetically, and I quickly walked over to her. 

"How long have they been here?" I asked quietly. 

"About two hours," she replied, pretending to hand me a piece of paper. 

"Were the girls here when they arrived?" I inquired again. Gemma shook her head, and I sighed, a big relief washing over me. "Thanks." 

I walked away, pocketing the paper, and putting my head down before walking through the swarm of photographers. I braced myself, just in case things got violent. 

"Koti, where is Louis?" 

"When is Louis getting home?" 

"Is Louis romantically involved with anybody?" 

The same questions circulated loudly, and eventually they stopped chasing me to wait for my brother. 

I quickly jumped onto a bus and sat down, plugging my headphones in. My nerves were going all over the place- I really needed this job, and I really wanted to impress these employers. As I watched the streets of London fly by me, I kept an eye out for my stop. 

When I arrived, I jumped off the bus and walked about 50m to find the office that my interview was going to be conducted at. 

I approached a fancy looking office- small, but well decorated, and hesitated before entering. My future lies within this interview, and I need to do well. 

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