Chapter 7: What?!

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Fifteen hours later, our plane began it's descent into Honolulu International Airport. I lent over a sleeping Jake to stare out the window. 

There was sun everywhere- the luminescent rays fell upon all of the houses we flew past, and I could practically feel the warmth that contrasted so differently to the grey skies that had settled above London. Everything was so bright, like Australia. 

Jake stirred, and I sat back in my own seat. "What are you doing?" He asked, sleepily and confused. 

"Just wanted to look out the window comrade," I explained. "But you were in the way." 

He managed a slight chuckle mixed with a yawn. "Okay, whoops." 

My ears popped like crazy for the next 10 minutes, and I held Jake's hand again until I felt the bump that meant our plane had safely arrived on land again. 

Jake and I gathered our hand luggage, and made our way off the plane, thanking the stewards and flight attendants for their immaculate service. 

We walked out through the terminal, and continued to make our way through customs. I took in all of my surroundings. Local men and women hustled and bustled around, their skin tan and their hair dark brown, mixing in among the pale European and American tourists who were here for a nice relaxing holiday.

Once we got through security, Jake went to search for the magazine representative who would be taking us to the hotel. I waited at baggage collection, and grabbed my suitcase and Jake's large duffel bag. I piled all the luggage onto a trolley, and searched for Jake and the rep. 

They were standing and talking outside a rental car. The rep was roughly 6'4, and had deeply tanned skin. His hair was longer than mine, and a tangled curly mess. Through his white singlet, I could see a complicated tattoo- he was strangely attractive, and I decided that the surfer look he was going for suited him. 

As I approached, Jake waved, and began introductions as soon as I was directly in front of them. 

"Koti, this is our escort Jason," He introduced. "Jason, this is my coworker, Koti." 

"Lovely to meet you Koti," Jason greeted me with a warm smile. His voice was deep, and reminded me of melted caramel. 

"You too Jason," I grinned back. 

"Well, I'll be escorting you guys around for the duration of your trip, so I guess follow me," He said with a shrug. I began to wheel our luggage, but Jake stopped me. 

"I've got it," He said, taking the trolley from me. I smiled at him gratefully, and we followed Jason to our car. 

I helped Jake pile our things into the boot, and then got in the front seat next to Jason. Jake got in the back, and we were off. 

"So you guys are staying in this gorgeous hotel right on the beach," Jason explained. "I work there as a bell boy, but for the two weeks you're here, I've been hired to kinda accompany you to interviews and what-not." 

"Is it busy because of the pro tour?" I asked. 

"Oh yeh, it's crazy," Jason chuckled. "So many people there- I got the best job." 

"Cheers Jason," Jake said. We all laughed, but there was palpable tension in the air. Simply because we didn't really know each other, I decided. 

We stayed silent for the rest of the drive to the hotel, and when we arrived, Jason grabbed our bags and handed us each a room key. 

I sighed mentally, glad that I would be able to have my own room so I would be able to concentrate on my writing and produce some great pieces in peace. 

"You two go and have an explore, I'll get all your stuff up to your rooms," Jason instructed. "The beach is that way," he pointed towards the back of the hotel. "And dinner is at 7 in the dining room." 

"Thanks Jason," Jake and I chorused. He smiled and got straight to work. 

"What are we gonna do?" Jake asked. 

I shrugged. "I thought I'd go and check out the beach actually." 

"Will you be okay if I go and check out the interview tents and equipment we'll be working with?" Jake asked me, clearly concerned for my well-being. 

What a sweet boy. 

"I'll be fine," I assured him. 

We separated, and I walked down a path to the beach. Multiple pro-surfers past me, but gave me no acknowledgment as I took in my beautiful surroundings. 

The path was made out of the finest sand I'd ever seen, and great tall palm trees gave shade from the hot sun. I was glad I'd worn a t-shirt and rolled up ripped jeans, so I still got some of the breeze and sun on my skin, which wasn't pale by British standards, but still quite white for an ex-Australian. 

I approached the beach, and it was empty except for a few die-hard fans watching their favourite surfers train. The sun was on the verge of setting because it was well past 5, and I took a seat on the sand and opened up my phone. 

I replied to a few messages from Louis, and sadly didn't have any messages from Lottie. 

I'd been hoping that by the time the plane ride was over she'd come around and maybe apologize, but clearly hadn't. 

I sighed, a bit upset, but glad to hear from my brother. Everything at home was still standing, and I snapped a picture of the beach and sent it to Fizzy. She'd always wanted to come to Hawaii, and I had promised to send her as many pictures as possible. 

Sitting there on the beach reminded me of when I was in Australia- 


Shit, I'd said I'd call Lilli when I arrived. 

I began dialling her number, when a familiar voice called me name. 

"Koti? Koti Tomlinson?!" I looked up and the familiar voice proved to be a familiar face. 

Kerrbox, one of the lifeguards from Bondi, stood before me, his jaw practically reaching the floor in pure shock. 

"What?!" I gasped. 

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