Chapter #1: How It All Began

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America was walking home from a world meeting. When suddenly he walked into a dark corridor somehow. He became almost completely blind as he fumbled around for some sort of light. America suddenly bumped into someone, or something, "GOD DON'T HURT ME-- oh, Kiku...?" he yelped in surprise. Though he saw Japan standing in front of him and his nerves calmed.

"Herro..." Kiku said sheepishly, holding onto his katana.

"Where are we? I just walked into this place with a few states and they just disappeared..." America asked worriedly.

"I don't rearry know myself... I was just walking home and suddenry it got very dark. So I pulled out my katana, ruckiry I didn't hit you with it. I might have cut off a finger." Kiku said looking around them, suddenly a light appeared in front of the duo.

"Oh God it's like a ghost movie..."America shuddered.

"D-Don't scare me, Alfred! I hate those kind..." Kiku mutters under his breath as the light gets closer and closer. Suddenly Italy appears with a small candlestick in his hand.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to have-a startled you! I didn't mean-a too! Please forgive me!" He began.

"Did you see any of my states?" America inquired, he was relieved it was only Italy.

"No-" Italy stammered, "I just got-a here myself! I swear!" He continued.

"It's okay Feliciano... It's not your fault. You are probabry just as scared as us." Kiku tried to calm the frantic country, but the sudden hum in the air didn't help much to quell the tension.

"I really need that Indiana right now." America mumbled beneath his breath.

"I am sorry Alfred..." Kiku tried to comfort him as well, 'Why do I get stuck with the babysitting...?' He thought wearily to himself.

"What is that-a wretched noise! Kiku-kun! I'm scared!" Feliciano yelled as he jumped into Kiku's arms.

Alfred heard something, telltale it was Virginia cursing. "Vincent!"

"What-a was that!" Feliciano screeched holding onto Kiku's shoulders tightly, Kiku grunted at the suddenness of the action.

"Feliciano prease ret go of me..." Kiku begged, discomfort evident in the way he held himself.

America met with the Virginian and hugged him. "I found Kiku and Feliciano."

"What the hell...."

There was a sudden whir and two headlights appeared in front of them. The lights started toward them, making them all panic.

"Is zhat a car!" Ludwig inquired as he walked up behind the frantic countries.

"Doitsu~" Feliciano coed as he leaped into his big, strong arms.

"Get down, Feliciano!" He yelled as he nearly fell over. He hadn't expected Italy to jump into his arms so suddenly.

Virginia huffed and glared at Germany.


"Are we-a gonna die?!" Feliciano screamed, frightening the whole group.

"N-No Feliciano... We'll be fine..." Kiku uttered quietly as the lights drew closer slightly but stopped abruptly and flickered for a bit. They suddenly flickered off and the sound of the engine died away with it, "See, I told you so..." Kiku stuttered before another hum suddenly rang forth from the darkness.

"Uh... What's that?" America asked.

"Umm... I rearry don't know..." Kiku answered, getting scared once more.

"I think it might be-" Ludwig was cut short as he suddenly fell to the floor, Feliciano atop his stomach as he gripped his head in pain.

"D-Doitsu~?!" Italy screamed holding onto the bigger countries shoulders almost to try and soothe the pain.

America's eyes widened as he saw. He clutched his stomach, pain erupting there, "The states...." He managed to say.

"Wh-What was that-" Kiku started and then he crumpled to the floor unconscious, as if the pain that shot through him was too much for the poor, old country.

"Hey, what happened to Kiku?!" Turkey inquired as he walked up to them and their light.

"I don't know.... But my states are dying..." He was only invincible as long as all fifty lived. The less he had, the weaker he was.

"Oh, um... Do you know why?" Turkey joked, pretending like this was all just some sick joke.

"No...." He cringed more. "Three all at once...."

"Umm... Are you okay man, cause uh you no look so good ya...?" Turkey said seeing the man cringe away every time he spoke.

"Hey, have you seen my-" A Chinese voice sounded behind Turkey, "Kiku! What happen to him?!" Wang gasped as he saw the young country under his care collapsed on the floor in an unmoving heap.

"Uh, we not really know ourselves man." Turkey shrugged his shoulders a bit.

"How could you not! He was here with you guys!" China was furious.

"I don't know if it's the same for him but... Ngh.... Parts of me are dying...."

"No man, I feel fine. In fact I almost feel better than normal, ya!" Turkey laughed.

"How can you laugh at time like this! My poor little country is on floor probably dying! How can something like that just happen!" China was outraged and his face grew a little purple with the rage that was boiling up inside him. He loved the baby country even if he never showed it to the country itself.

"Um, I not really know. I mean I feel bad but, I not know what to do?!" Turkey said, he actually quite admired the 'small' country of Japan... Maybe even like liked him.

"He has regions, right?..." America managed to say as the state death count rose.

Russia overheard and joined them. "Privet?...."

"What are you two's talking about...? I not know what that mean, Privet...? I no understand?!" Turkey was dumbfounded.

"Ugh, You blubbering imbeciles can't do anything right can you!" The Brit couldn't help but overhear as he joined their long-witted discussion.

"Some one need to help my poor little country!" China cried out as he held onto Japan as if his life depended on it.

"What's going on with Japan?" America was now sitting down.

"Whoa, Alfred wh-when did you get there...?!" Arthur blushed as he had really not realized that America had been there at all.

"Are you kidding me man! I've been here the whole time!" America stated.

"I don't know what happen to my poor Kiku, but someone need to fix him right now!" China yelled as another hum chimed through the air, stunning the party of countries and holding them in their places with fear.

America was clutching his middle. States were dying for no reason.

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