Chapter #2: The Monster Appears

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"Someone need to help poor Kiku, quick!" China demanded.

"What is that awful noise, I can't get to sleep...?" Greece whispered as he suddenly appeared next to the duo on the floor, China and Japan, "So uh, what happened to everyone...?" Greece asked sleepily as he yawned afterward.

"I think they're being hurt, da."

"Really, I don't want Japan to get hurt! Someone needs to help him, and fast!" Greece begged.

"Oh, you little bastard! You don't care about poor Japan! You just want to be closer friends than him and I, man!" Turkey shouted, just now realizing his arch rival was there.

"I do too! You're the one who wants to be closer than him and I!" Greece yelled back.

"I can help...." poor Canada whispered as he held his polar bear, but no one even seemed to notice he was even in the room.

"Who are you....?" The polar bear asked curiously.

"I'm Canada!" He said softly.

America was busy dealing with pain.

Canada slowly approached America to try and help, but sadly he doesn't think America even notices his presence.

"So-a, how do we fix-a them?!" Italy suddenly screeched as he lightly shook Germany's shoulders. His eyes began to get glossy as he stared down at the German as he was almost lifeless on the floor, the only indication that he was still alive was the slow rise and fall of his chest. Japan was the same way, except for the fact that his chest was rising slower and his breaths were more ragged.

America's chest was in pain, states were dying off one by one. He felt like he was hacking up a lung.

"What is-a going on around-a here?!" Italy demanded and suddenly the lights flashed on and the countries that had been unconscious before now shot up as if they rose from the dead with no recollection of what had happened before they fell.

They all looked around, various other states and countries scattered around what seemed to be a large dancing hall or gathering hall of some sort. No one seemed to recollect ever getting there just that they all suddenly appeared in a pitch dark room of some sort.

"What the..."

"Wh-what happened... Arr I remember is-"

"K-Kiku! You're okay!" Greece shouted as he suddenly grabbed onto him and hugged him close to himself.

"Hey, let go of him you bastard!" Turkey shouted.

"Why don't you make me....?!" Greece challenged.

"Why, don't we just not fight... Turkey, Greece... I don't feel rike fighting... Prease don't...?!" Kiku pleaded.

"Fine!" They agreed in unison.

"Vhat zhe heck! You sought I vas a goner..." Germany said as he patted poor Italy's head, "I'm sorry if I made you vorry Feliciano." He said wiping the tears from Italy's face.

"Dudes, I had the craziest dream... Was Canada doing drugs again or something around me?"

"What, I was not... America, I don't do drugs... I was just trying to heal your wounds." Canada said touching his brother's shoulder softly.

"I think you did pot or something around me... It was when you tried to get me to legalize gay marriage..." He flinched somewhat.

"I did not, I swear." Canada blushed as he knew this was true, but he didn't dare admit it. All the other countries had sort of started to gather around the group.

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