Chapter #9: RoChu

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"Russia, what should we do..." China whispered into Russia's ear.

"I hate to say this, but this is her fight." Russia frowned.

"Oh, okay... So um, if you weren't having any country problems and if General Winter would let you... What do you think about me?" China asked nervously, "I mean... Once this is all over, I can help your country if you need me too..." He finished shyly.

"I don't know because Putin would never let me try." Russia explained, "I mean you're a nice person... Sorry you chose wrong person to love." Russia said softly.

"It isn't your fault... I don't understand how I fell in love with you in the first place." China said guiltily, as he looked up and smiled at Russia, "I mean, you're a big bad country too... I don't understand it myself, but at least I tried, right...?" He was still smiling but tears were streaming down his face now, it still hurt him a lot.

"I'm sorry it wasn't meant to be... I seem to always end up with psychotic bosses..."

"It's okay, I never would've had a shot with you anyways... I'm way too old for you..." China exclaimed as he ducked his head and began to wipe the tears from his eyes, "I have psychotic bosses too, so I know what you mean..." He stated sadly.

"Wang, age doesn't matter. We live forever, so why should age dictate who we're allowed to love? The only thing stopping us is who's in charge."

"I-I know... I'm just trying to make myself feel better, that's all." China's crying was now uncontrollable and everyone around them could hear his sobbing.

"I'm sorry... When I can, I'll come back."

"You really don't have to, I'll find a way to get over it, I promise..."

"No. I will come back."

"Why...?" China asked curiously looking back up at Russia, many different fluids on his face in many different areas.

"Because, I just promised right now. You're worth waiting for."

That made China smile, and he couldn't hide his excitement, he couldn't say anything because he was too shocked and too excited to reply. Russia smiled as well, but sneezed, "Oops- I forgot why I needed my scarf."

"I'm sorry, Alaska still has it I believe..." China said, remembering Russia handing it over to wrap around Alaska's wounds.

"I hope she is alright... That demon... It's just... I don't know how to describe it."

"Yeah, I don't like it either..." China said quietly.

"Me neither.... It's evil."

"Of course it's evil, it's a demon... but it's more than that, I just can't figure it out..." China said carefully.

"Like, older than us all?"

"Yeah, but there seems to be something even more than that as well..." China said, putting his mind to work.

"Like... It's a warning for what is to come?"

"Probably... But what exactly is coming... The thought of that scares me to death..."

"He said something about the Earth and Gaia.... Gaia was the first incarnation of the Earth... If there's a third now, what will happen?"

"I think he's right, there'll be nothing we can do to stop the end of the world... I was stupid to tell him we could, wasn't I...?" China said sadly.

"There is still time. He said when the boy reaches full power it is too late. But we don't have to kill him. We just have to keep him from corruption. Gaia is still here, even if dead."

"Yeah, I know... but what boy exactly...?" China said kind of confused, he felt like he had forgotten something very important.

"Doesn't America have a son named AJ?" China blushed as he remembered the conversation between him and Ikkumaaluk,"Are you okay, Wang?" Russia asked he was mildly concerned about him now.

"Oh, what?! Yeah, I'm fine. But yeah, I think you're right."

"About the future?"

"H-Hai..." China said, fearing their future.

"If it gets out of hand, I'll get rid of the child."

"Oh, okay... but what if there was some way to save the child and the world, would you take that option...?" China asked curiously.

"No one should die if they can be saved, da?"

"My thoughts exactly!" China said smiling up at Russia happily.

Russia smiled in return. "I'm going to look for something. Keep everyone safe."

"Wait, what are you getting... Maybe I can help?!" China offered.

"No, I don't want you hurt."

"But what if you get hurt going alone?!" China was shocked, "Plus, you could just protect me if you didn't want me getting hurt. And I'd do the same, we can protect each other?!" China was getting desperate now.

"China, I don't want you getting hurt if I fail to protect you. If I die, there's always reincarnation."

"But I-" Russia interrupts him.

"Don't disobey me, Wang."

China looked shocked, but silently he nodded, he'd stay behind praying for Russia's continued safety while he protected everyone else.

"Spasibo for listening. I promise I'll return, even if not immediately."

"Just make sure you return unharmed... Or I'll slap you silly!" China warned.

"Kolkolkol, alright, I'll try."

"Good... You can leave now, just don't die, okay...?" China smiled.

"Haven't you learned that Mother Russia just can't die?"

"I know, but, I just can't help it... It's human nature to say things like that, no?" China said.

"It is. Except in Russia, I promise to bring you vodka when I come back." Russia smiled.

"As long as you come back I don't care what you bring me." China smiled brighter than before.

"But vodka is good, da?"

"I prefer Sake...." China said, "But if you're going to go you might want to make it fast."

"I will." Russia smiled.

China waved goodbye as Russia got up and left.

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