Chapter Six

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Today is Wednesday. 

My worst day ever. Why? Well here's why. And please hold your applause. 

I was at my locker getting ready. When Mac came up with a bucket of weird thing in it. Then she dumped it on me! 

The CCP's all laughed. It would have been better if I said they continued on their way. But nooo. Me being me, I just had to trip on a rotten banana. 

They laughed even harder. I am pretty sure a few of them started crying.

 Like seriously?

Having enough humiliation, I got my books and went to the bathroom. I rinsed my face with water. The I took paper towels and took off the garbage and stuff. 

Then, I walked into my math class and sat down. And of course, my teacher HAD to call on me. I stumbled around with the question until he said," You see class, this is what happens if you come in late." 

Everyone tried to keep their giggles to themselves. Why???? Actually, let me rephrase that, WHY ME? 

When the bell rang, I dashed out of the room. I literally was the first one to the door. Then I went to Bio. We started to talk about the frog notes we were supposed to take. 

Everyone had to say something. And when my turn came, I couldn't find anything to say. 

I am pretty sure I just got the award for stupidest person on the planet! Like seriously? Why couldn't I have copied someone?

I groaned waiting for the teacher to embarrass me more. 

Brandon shoved over his notebook, FILLED with facts and notes about frogs. I wanted to say it, I really did but I felt bad about stealing one of Brandon's notes.

The teacher came over and she looked down at BRANDON'S notebook. "Well, Nikki, you have more notes than needed, say it."

I read out loud the first one on the page. Everyone stared.

I thought I said something wrong but, she actually smiled and continued! I started to scribble whatever I had said into my book.

We continued class and the whole frog thing was forgotten. Then after a long time the bell rang. I left, not so quickly this time. 


Ever had that feeling when you feel weird but yet you don't have a right to? I have no idea why I feel bad right now. In gym class, we were supposed to play tennis and somehow Mac's ankle got sprained.

She acted like her whole life depended on going to the nurse! 

Like, girl, not everyone needs to see your acting. Maybe she would be good in the drama club? There's a thought.

Then, the coach told someone to take her to the office. Brandon volunteered! He actually volunteered! He pulled her up from the ground and put his hand over her shoulder! 

I felt so jealous but calmed myself down. I had no right to feel jealous.

I started to talk myself into saying that he was just being nice but while they were exiting, I couldn't help but notice that they were actually talking. 

Zoey and Chloe said they felt sorry and that Brandon was a jerk. They are the best friends ever!

I actually, for once, disagreed. Brandon could like whoever he wanted. I couldn't make him like me.


Hey, guys! Here's a chapter that is not very long. Thanks for all your ideas and suggestions! Thanks and bye!



EDIT: 10/16/16

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